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Subject: It never happened!

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Aug 24 10

There are many instances in history that have been handed down as fact, when they never happened at all or have been exaggerated. A case in point is the Tonypandy Massacre of 1910. The legend has it that the government sent in troops to put down a strike by miners in the Rhondda Valley , with the troops shooting down unarmaed miners. In actuality the 'troops' were London policemen, armed with truncheons and the only fatality was a miner who succumbed to a blow on the head during a violent confrontation with those same London policemen.

The Boston Massacre of the late 1700s has a similar history - five deaths do not a massacre make.

Can you cite other examples of "history that never happened"?

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Cymruambyth star

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I'm not sure what happened with my post. When I typed it and hit submit, it contained the line "strike by miners in the Rhondda Valley." Is this a case of "there's many a slip between the cup and the lip"?

(Cym, I've edited your original to insert the missing bit. RMG)

Reply #1. Aug 24 10, 11:12 AM
Anton star
Speaking of this quote:

"there's many a slip between the cup and the lip"

Billy The Kid did not kill a man for every year he was alive.

Reply #2. Aug 24 10, 11:38 AM

Robin Hood never wore tights. And King Arthur wasn't a Roman. And the Enigma Cypher Machine wasn't captured by American submariners. The US wasn't even in the war in May,1941.

Don't you just love Hollywood? :))

Reply #3. Aug 24 10, 12:24 PM
daver852 star

player avatar
William Wallace did not wear a kilt or paint his face blue; J. Edgar Hoover was not a transvestite; Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty as hell; Richard III was not a hunchback.

Reply #4. Aug 24 10, 1:38 PM
supersal1 star
On the same subject, I suspect Wallace made a sight more noise when he died than Mel Gibson did when portraying him! Braveheart deserves its own thread for the inaccuracies it portrays.

Reply #5. Aug 24 10, 1:42 PM
BxBarracuda star
RV if we have to include Hollywood’s "creative license”, or any motion pictures for that matter, the list would be far too long, lol.

A wise man has said that Harold most likely didn't die with an arrow to the eye in 1066, but died by other means.

Reply #6. Aug 24 10, 1:50 PM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned in 64 CE. Fiddles weren't invented until the middle of the sixteenth century.

And Henry VIII did not write 'Greensleeves'.

Reply #7. Aug 24 10, 2:19 PM
BxBarracuda star
Connecting to the historical Boston Massacre, Paul Revere didn't make a midnight a ride warning "The British Are Comiing".

Reply #8. Aug 24 10, 4:13 PM
The Jenin Massacre - "piles of rotting corpses" - turned out to be two dead people. One was buried, and the other one wasn't dead. His pall-bearers kept dropping him, till he got so fed up he just got up and walked away. (One death definitely does not a massacre make.)

Reply #9. Aug 24 10, 4:18 PM
(One death definitely does not a massacre make.)

It would if one were the parent or partner of the victim.

Reply #10. Aug 24 10, 4:41 PM
I wasn't attempting to belittle a death, but I was shamelessly belittling the contrast between the initial rumours of hundreds or thousands dead... and one.

Reply #11. Aug 24 10, 5:15 PM
I know.

Reply #12. Aug 24 10, 5:33 PM
boxjaw star

player avatar
Joseph McCarthy was not an alcoholic. Roy Cohn was not gay. I'm sorry to speak the truth daver852. As far as J. hoover?

Reply #13. Aug 26 10, 8:55 PM
daver852 star

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Boxjaw - see my thread "Why are People So Gullible About History," and then learn a little bit about J. Edgar Hoover. A great man, a great patriot, and not gay nor a transvestite.

Reply #14. Aug 26 10, 9:27 PM
But definitely a secret tree-hugging cross-dresser!


Reply #15. Aug 26 10, 10:04 PM
romeomikegolf star
Richard III did not murder the Princes in the Tower. No one knows who did and Henry VII had as much reason, if not more, to order the act.

Reply #16. Aug 26 10, 10:22 PM
boxjaw star

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Does it matter if he was a great man, a great patriot and wore large sweaty bras? So what. What does it matter? Does it go against everything that you hold so dear? He wasn't that great. He simply was a man who held a lot of power and wore women's clothes in the privacy of his own home. Why would that bother you?

Reply #17. Aug 26 10, 10:24 PM
boxjaw star

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Maybe J.E.Hoover ate Blizzards at Dairy Queen and was secretly hoping for somekind of ice cream civil war. It never happened though because the Blizzard was discontinued after his death. Right? Maybe not.

Reply #18. Aug 26 10, 10:35 PM
boxjaw star

player avatar
Someone knows who killed those boys.

Reply #19. Aug 26 10, 10:42 PM
^^^Fatty Arbuckle^^^

Reply #20. Aug 27 10, 12:59 AM

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