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Subject: It never happened!

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Aug 24 10

There are many instances in history that have been handed down as fact, when they never happened at all or have been exaggerated. A case in point is the Tonypandy Massacre of 1910. The legend has it that the government sent in troops to put down a strike by miners in the Rhondda Valley , with the troops shooting down unarmaed miners. In actuality the 'troops' were London policemen, armed with truncheons and the only fatality was a miner who succumbed to a blow on the head during a violent confrontation with those same London policemen.

The Boston Massacre of the late 1700s has a similar history - five deaths do not a massacre make.

Can you cite other examples of "history that never happened"?

60 replies. On page 3 of 3 pages. 1 2 3

Didn't know that about Sir Humphrey Davy. Although I know about The Davy Lamp (I have two - one from the 1860's,one from the 1940's),which were oil fuelled. My wife's family were coal miners going back to the late 18th. Century.

And Swan's bulbs lit up Paris in the 1880's.

Reply #41. Sep 20 10, 4:30 AM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
Back to 'The Tudors' (that series is a genuine burr under my saddle, even though I don't watch it). I'm told that the latest silly plot twist has Henry getting the hots for Anne of Cleves, the bride whom, in real life, he rejected because she didn't meet his standards of beauty. As I recall, he also complained that she stank! Can any FT member still watching this TV show confirm or deny the report I heard?

Reply #42. Oct 09 10, 6:46 AM

Sorry,Cym,I can't confirm or deny! I don't watch it for the same reasons as you.

Recently,David Starkey has roundly slammed the series. Although I rarely agree with his interpretation of History (he is known by some as 'the rudest man in Britain',and has an almost pathological hatred of female historians), he does know the facts of the Tudor Period.

As for Anne of Cleeves (or The Flanders Mare,as Henry called her),wasn't 'the problem' her penchant for constantly chewing garlic,which Henry hated? As well as a seriously pock-marked face,the consequence of childhood small-pox. But,if you marry for political reasons........Tough!

Reply #43. Oct 09 10, 8:49 AM
supersal1 star
I've always thought that poor Anne of Cleves must have been equally horrified on meeting Henry - 30 years her senior, corpulent and with a festering sore on his leg. Sensible lady to take the money and run.

Reply #44. Oct 09 10, 10:03 AM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
I'll bet Anne of Cleves thanked God for her prediliction for garlic once she realized Harry's tendency to dispose of his wives once he tired of them. Of the six, she's the one who got the best deal - money, property, and she outlived the syphilitic load of blubber.

Reply #45. Oct 09 10, 1:09 PM
did the moon landing really happened? If yes, why is it that they no longer have follow up missions? I'm not convince they really landed in the moon.

Reply #46. Apr 15 11, 9:50 PM
tiger51 star

player avatar
We watched the moon landing in school my teacher Mrs. Lee told us it wasn't real it was fake.She said it was a Hollywood movie.

Reply #47. Apr 15 11, 10:39 PM
Anton star
"did the moon landing really happened? If yes, why is it that they no longer have follow up missions?"

When it comes to government, just because they don't tell us, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Reply #48. Apr 15 11, 10:45 PM
boxjaw star

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euab. The first person set foot on the Moon on 20 July, 1969. The last person left the Moon on 14 December, 1972. On 27 January, 1967, three astronauts lost their lives on the launch pad during a test. In April 1970, three astronauts almost lost their lives during an aborted trip to the Moon. Sure. It was all made up. It never happened. The United States staged an elaborate lie on the world. Along with the Soviet Union of course. At the height of the cold war, the US and USSR decided they would have one big laugh at the expense of the rest of the world.

Oh ya euab, the cold war never happened, the holocaust never happened and Jim Morrison and Tupac Shakur are playing golf in Shangri-La.

Give me a break.

Reply #49. Apr 15 11, 11:01 PM
mhenson400 star
Jim Morrison plays golf? Hell must have frozen over.

Great topic Cym.

Reply #50. Apr 15 11, 11:04 PM
boxjaw star

player avatar
Mrs. Lee and euab need to get together and go bowling.

Reply #51. Apr 15 11, 11:05 PM
tiger51 star

player avatar
Mrs Lee is no longer with us.She was a good teacher.I like the bowling idea lol.

Reply #52. Apr 15 11, 11:44 PM
boxjaw star

player avatar
I'm sorry she's gone tiger51. euab, you're going to have to find someone else to turn those gutter balls into strikes.

Reply #53. Apr 15 11, 11:49 PM

player avatar

I can assure you Jim Morrison is not playing golf with Tupac today. That's only on Mondays. The rest of the time,he's flippin burgers with Elvis,in Bolton,Greater Manchester. (He thought if he wore a turban,I wouldn't recognise him!)

DOH! Of course the moon landings were real! And the world is not flat!

Reply #54. Apr 16 11, 6:30 AM
Not at all sure about all this....nope....not too sure at all.
No ladies nor gentleman of colour (can't use the word black) commanding those space ships from somewhere in the US, 'cept in Star Trek movies. Star Trek wasn't real, of course. We all know that Big Ears real commander was Noddy.

Also, a distinct lack of realism; no muscular full lipped pink clad gay, as commander of marines - no moustachio'd bicep flexing lesbian boldy going where, well, where all lesbians like to go....into space and beyond.
And those uniforms :(( I mean, who was the costume designer? Nah, not real, all that moonshine stuff. A failed wombles commercial was all that was.

The wombles from NASA
Toddle along in threes
Waving at the camera
Trying ever so hard to please
.....and so on

Reply #55. Apr 16 11, 7:19 PM
honeybee4 star
Supposedly, the US has a secret space and black ops program, and may have already been to Mars. I don't know how true this is, though.

Reply #56. Apr 16 11, 8:27 PM

player avatar
"Not at all sure about all this....nope....not too sure at all.
No ladies nor gentleman of colour (can't use the word black) commanding those space ships from somewhere in the US, 'cept in Star Trek movies. Star Trek wasn't real, of course. We all know that Big Ears real commander was Noddy.

Also, a distinct lack of realism; no muscular full lipped pink clad gay, as commander of marines - no moustachio'd bicep flexing lesbian boldy going where, well, where all lesbians like to go....into space and beyond.
And those uniforms :(( I mean, who was the costume designer? Nah, not real, all that moonshine stuff. A failed wombles commercial was all that was.

The wombles from NASA
Toddle along in threes
Waving at the camera
Trying ever so hard to please
.....and so on"

Translation, please?

Reply #57. Apr 17 11, 12:20 AM
thanks boxjaw! since mrs. lee is no longer with us can i invite you to play bowling with me? i love it! lol!

Reply #58. Apr 17 11, 2:05 AM
boxjaw star

player avatar
I'm not real good euab, but we could give it a go. :^)

Reply #59. Apr 17 11, 6:29 AM
Oh dear, this one is going to upset some people. It seems that Betsy Ross did not, in all likelihood, sew the first American flag! I was doing some research on women in history and came across a web site called Myths of Women's History, and lo and behold there was an article debunking the Betsy Ross story. Check it out. Google Myths of Women's History: Betsy Ross and the First Flag, and read the article for yourself. It seems that the first one to make the claim was Betsy's grandson in 1870, almost 100 years after the fact. There is no record of Betsy Ross sewing the first American flag prior to that date.

Reply #60. May 24 11, 9:40 PM

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