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Subject: sword of truth/wheel of time/shannara

Posted by: truescotsman
Date: Feb 14 10

ok people im an avid fan of all three series and a friend asked which was the best,help me out which is your favourite and why?feel free to message anytime regarding this ty for your help

6 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
I read all three of those series. I started with Brooks' Shannara first, then Goodkind's Sword of Truth, and then Jordan's WOT last.

I still like Brooks the best out of the three. He usually has colorful characters and interesting storylines (I liked how he linked up the Shannara series with Word and Void). Goodkind started out great and then started getting really preachy and long-winded (I did enjoy "Confessor" it only to see Jagang get his comeuppance). I'm still making my way through WOT. The story and characters and world are vast but I feel that sometimes Jordan gets a little too wordy.

Reply #1. Oct 12 10, 3:31 PM
Brooks is writing more in the world of Shannara. He has the first part of a duology out (the second will be out next year) and he's writing a new trilogy that will take place after "The High Druid of Shannara" trilogy.

The Duology will take place between the Genesis trilogy and "First King of Shannara" showing the transition from a world of science to one of magic and fantasy. I'm going to wait for the second book and then read them both together.

Reply #2. Oct 22 10, 1:35 PM
Well, I'm going back through my Terry Brooks. I'm on Ilse Witch right now. I will eventually get back on track with WoT (I'm still on book 10) and when I'm finished with that I may pick up Confessor just to see Jagang get his just desserts.

Reply #3. Nov 12 10, 3:43 PM
jolana star

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I havenĀ“t read "Wheel of Time" but I bought a copy of the first part. It is still waiting on the shelf to be read. Anyway, I played the computer game where the main character was Elayna AesSedai.

Reply #4. Nov 19 10, 8:04 PM
I'm still stalled on the tenth book but I will get back to it. I just hope that I remember what's going on.

Reply #5. Nov 29 10, 5:35 PM
I am now mostly through the tenth book (of WoT) and my one complaint is that nothing has really happened (I've read ~700 pages btw). There's been mostly talking and people/armies moving around but no conflicts or major events transpiring. I wonder if everything is going to happen in the last bit of the book.

Reply #6. Dec 23 10, 1:09 PM

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