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Subject: Voynich Manuscripts

Posted by: great2beme
Date: Dec 02 10

Has anyone heard about something called the Voynich Manuscripts? I just saw in on William Shatner's Weird or What on tv.

11 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
I think I heard of it some time ago on Coast to Coast radio. Although I have images of the strange writing and plants in my head, so maybe it was Unsolved Mysteries. Either way, it is intriguing and mysterious. It's in that mental category with Linear A (or is it Linear B?) that consists of things I can't decipher and hope someone else will.

Reply #1. Dec 02 10, 11:37 PM
Check this out. This lady claims she has figured out that the words are anagrammed medieval Italian:

Reply #2. Dec 02 10, 11:48 PM
honeybee4 star
Houston, you listen to Coast to Coast too? I go to bed with it every night. Last night was a great show.

Reply #3. Dec 03 10, 9:16 AM
honeybee4 star
A seeress on Coast to Coast believes it could be the origional text of mankind.

Reply #4. Dec 03 10, 9:26 AM
The Voynich Manuscripts are one of the famous crytpographic puzzles still around. I know that there are some people who just think that they are gibberish and the writing doesn't mean anything at all.

Reply #5. Dec 03 10, 3:59 PM
jolana star

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I know that this topic is quite serious, but I just want to say that I met first this in the Broken Sword, an adventure game. I got interested so I found a lot about it on Wikipedia:

Reply #6. Dec 03 10, 4:14 PM
A video game, hmm? I guess it's nice to know that designers to some research into the real world. I find this sort of unknown, undecipherable stuff fascinating (although I know that I would never have the patience to sit down and actually try to figure it out).

Reply #7. Dec 04 10, 8:58 AM
HB-Yes, I used to listen to Coast To Coast a lot. I loved it. All that mysterious, alien, esoteric type stuff mixed with good bumper music and a usually positive attitude from the hosts were great. I haven't listened to it in some time, though. It seems that everytime I tune in it's a weekend show with Ian Punnet (who's just not the same as George Noory or Art Bell) or it's an open-line show.

I always hated (although the song is good) hearing this song because that meant the show was over and I had stayed awake too long:

Reply #8. Dec 05 10, 2:10 AM
What is "Coast to Coast"? When/where did it air? I've never heard of it before.

Reply #9. Dec 05 10, 12:27 PM
honeybee4 star
It is a talk radio program on the Am dial. It comes on in my area at 10:00 PM, but it can easily be found in any area of the US and Canada. I am not sure where else it can be found. It is a program that covers conspiracy theories, aliens, and so many other interesting topics.

Reply #10. Dec 05 10, 12:57 PM
Ah, the only thing I usually listen to on the AM is traffic reports. The radio stations around here are pretty bad so I just don't listen to anything at all really. It's a good thing my commute isn't that long!

Reply #11. Dec 06 10, 6:53 PM

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