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Subject: Celebrity Deaths ...

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Aug 06 07

Have you ever cried over the death of someone famous? I know I have, silly as it may sound. I'll never forget the day Kurt Cobain died. I heard it on the tv, and just froze and I felt stunned at first. I was shocked and then I cried like a big baby! I am a huge fan of Kurt's, and his music means alot to me, so naturally I was saddened by his death. Also, when George Harrison died, I was pretty torn up. I didn't even know he had been ill, and I loved him so! What celebrity deaths have you cried over? You can list more than one if you would like!

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John Ritters death made me cry. I remember watching him on old reruns of threes company and on 8 simple rules. He was such a funny vibrant man that it was pretty sad when he suddenly passed. Also I wasnt alive when it happened but when ever a tribute comes on to Elvis and they start talking about his death i get kind of teary eyed. Hes the best man that ever lived and i'll always be his #1 fan.

Reply #61. Nov 30 07, 6:42 PM
Roni11 star
I was really sad when Bradley Nowell died...Sublime was such a great group.

Reply #62. Dec 12 07, 2:53 PM
The late great Freddie Mercury, he was and always will be loved by his fans for the sheer magic of his voice. Wether he was singing rock or opera style no singer before him or since he died has commanded the respect of his peers who all speak so fondly of Him.

Reply #63. Dec 12 07, 3:15 PM
When I heard that Aaliyah died, I was in complete shock. She was so beautiful and talented and when I see female artists copying her style today, it makes me even more sad.

Also, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez's death shocked me. TLC was my favorite girl group when I was growing up and I could hardly believe that it was over.

Reply #64. Dec 12 07, 3:17 PM
John Ritters and Don Knotts made me really sad. They were both my heros.

Reply #65. Dec 12 07, 3:44 PM
i posted a reply before but I forgot about Johnny Cash and Steve Erwin. I listened to Johnny my whole life.

Reply #66. Dec 12 07, 3:47 PM
The death of Kurt Cobain really hit me hard, his music meant so much to me, he was such a gentle, beautiful person. i also felt it a shame that his young daughter was left fatherless. has anyone seen how much she looks like her dad now though? it's uncanny.

River Phoenix is another celebrity who i sorely miss. He died when i was thirteen and he was one of my first celebrity crushes, i can remember people in school crying over him when they heard of his death, it was so sad. He was also a beautiful person inside and out, truly inspirational.

The last celebrity i really cried over was princess Diana's. In fact i was the first one to start the tears rolling when me and some friends went to place a bouquet of flowers at a memorial site, and i'm usually quite good at holding back my tears in public.

What i find really sad at the moment is the whole Britney Spears saga (and i'm not a Britney music fan). This woman needs help, she has major issues and i just dread the day when i open up the newspaper and find out she's dead. I hate the thought of children becoming parentless through suicise especially, it's twice as hard to deal with. I just can't understand why nobody has dragged her to get the help she obviously needs. If i were her friend or mother i would do anything to help her, including taking drastic measures. If i had to, i would strap her down to her bed, force her to take medication, get therapy, support her and give her the break she needs. i only wish i was her friend. I hope she sorts herself out, fingers crossed. xx

Reply #67. Dec 15 07, 1:07 PM
I cried when we lost Steve Irwin.It was like losing a family member.Such a loss to our world and the animal world.

Reply #68. Dec 19 07, 5:48 AM

player avatar
This is my list:

Fred Rogers (Misterogers Neighborhood)
Princess Diana
John Denver
Steve Irwin
Robert F. Kennedy
Jerry Orbach
Gene Pitney

We get so caught up in the lives of celebrities that we sometimes forget they are just people like us who have been given some special gift - be it a musical talent or a life of privilege or a cause to bring to the forefront. The key is that they shared the talent and the life with all of us - through the good times and the not-so-good times.

The Native American Indians are said to have a saying: when you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. The key is to live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.

All the folks on our lists have impacted our lives in some manner and for the most part, we are better people.

Reply #69. Dec 19 07, 7:02 AM
Oddball star
At my age, I've gotten used to the eventual mortality of everyone except myself. I was 13 when Jim Croce died in a plane crash in Louisiana. I think that was the only time I cried over someone I never met.
Additionally, it always hits me hard when someone dies too young. Time was I couldn't look at my daughter without thinking of Heather O'Roarke from the 'Poltergeist' movies.

Reply #70. Dec 19 07, 9:16 AM
A long time ago my favorite singer died in a plane crash. Her singing name was Aaliyah. Yes spelled with 2 A's.

Reply #71. Dec 28 07, 12:05 AM
I've been shocked and distraught over several celebrities deaths. But the only one I shed a tear over was Big Pun. I cried when I first heard the rumor Bun B had killed himself over the loss of Pimp C, thankfully that was merely a rumor.

Reply #72. Jan 10 08, 10:02 PM
callie_ross star
Sadly, I have another person to add to my list, Mr. Dan Fogelberg. He was one of my favorite singers growing up and his music helped me through some very hard times, including the death of my beloved mother. I was greatly saddened to hear of his passing. He died on December 16th, 2007. That was over a month ago and it still brings tears to my eyes. He was a very talented man and a great person, May he rest in peace.

Reply #73. Jan 19 08, 5:18 PM
rayven80 star

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Heath Ledger, Steve Irwin, and the man who played MArcus Aurelius in "Gladiator". Sorry but I forgot his name.

Reply #74. Jan 23 08, 1:41 PM
callie_ross star
Yes, Rayven, Now we have to add Heath Ledger to this sad list. May he rest in peace.

Reply #75. Jan 23 08, 11:55 PM
definitly Chris Farley!
i cried like a baby...he was honestly a master comedian and would've been ever more majorly famous if he were alive today.
R.I.P Chris!

Reply #76. Jan 24 08, 1:01 AM
Soozy_Woozy star

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Steve Irwin's death affected me the most I think because he was a 'real good bloke'. He was exciting, loving and he wanted to make a difference in our world.

Charles Bronson was my favourite actor and his death upset me very much as well.

Reply #77. Jan 24 08, 1:22 AM
Hey im doing a GSCE projesct on celebrities and just wondering do you not think that celebrities are getting too much attention?? please reply

Reply #78. Jan 25 08, 5:34 AM
julicat star

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Hi yes they do get too much sometimes but seems to be when things are going bad for them that it is at a peak.

Reply #79. Jan 25 08, 12:50 PM

player avatar
THE CROCODILE HUNTER...Steve Irwin...I am still in shock...still crying :-(

Reply #80. Jan 26 08, 3:56 PM

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