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Subject: Celebrity Deaths ...

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Aug 06 07

Have you ever cried over the death of someone famous? I know I have, silly as it may sound. I'll never forget the day Kurt Cobain died. I heard it on the tv, and just froze and I felt stunned at first. I was shocked and then I cried like a big baby! I am a huge fan of Kurt's, and his music means alot to me, so naturally I was saddened by his death. Also, when George Harrison died, I was pretty torn up. I didn't even know he had been ill, and I loved him so! What celebrity deaths have you cried over? You can list more than one if you would like!

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Roni11 star
Rayven- the the actor in Gladiator was Richard Harris. He was the original Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter movies as well. May he RIP....

I cried the other day when I found out about Heath Ledger, and again this morning when I watched 10 things I hate about you, he was so talented even in a tweeny movie.

Reply #81. Jan 26 08, 4:15 PM
Heath Ledger died reasonlly. I think it was very sad. He made lot of amazing good movies, and he look cute. He died as only 28 because of an overdosis. Such a sad way to die, exspecially when it only was an acsident /:

Will miss you Heath Ledger!

Reply #82. Jan 28 08, 8:23 PM
Steve Irwin's death was a real shocker. I was sad when he died.

Reply #83. Jan 30 08, 6:56 AM
Shauneef star
River Phoenix. I was so in love with him...

Reply #84. Jan 30 08, 2:16 PM
Brandon Lee - I would have liked to see the direction his career took as he matured.

Reply #85. Jan 30 08, 2:23 PM

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Posted by: Shauneef

Subject: Celebrity Deaths...
Date: Feb 01 08
I read today that Brad Renfro died a week before Heath Ledger did from mixing xanax and alcohol. He was also a start, although not a huge one. Why didn't this get reported?

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I don't know who he was. It probably was reported, just not on the scale that Ledger's death was.
Reply #1. Feb 01 08, 11:47 AM Delete - Edit


Rayven, Brad Renfro was an actor who made his movie debut in 1994 in the title role of The Client at the age of 11.

His death did get reported, along with the fact that since his early teen years he struggled with drugs and alcohol and was in and out of rehab centers like a revolving door. It was also a sad loss of a promising young man too early in life.
Reply #2. Feb 01 08, 12:02 PM Delete - Edit


That's too bad. Too many die so young.
Reply #3. Feb 01 08, 12:20 PM Delete - Edit

greenkiwi A universal truth: We all die.
Im just glad I'm not a celebrity! When I go my family will get to mourn my loss and celebrate my life in their own way and privately.
It's just tragic watching the likes of Heath Ledger's family having to deal with the added burden of media interest.And even worse, the speculation surruonding the circumstances. At times like these,it's best to remember we are all somebody's daughter or son. I've been changing the chanel!
Reply #4. Feb 02 08, 3:24 PM Delete - Edit

Reply #86. Feb 06 08, 11:58 AM
supersal1 star
Rayven, you may like this story about Richard Harris. I've no idea whether it is true, but I like to think so.

As you may know, he suffered from cancer. He was once taken ill at The Savoy hotel, and as he was stretchered out he said to fellow diners "it was the fish, don't have the fish".

Reply #87. Feb 06 08, 12:42 PM
purcy star

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George Best the greatest player at Manchester United.Cried all the way through his televised funeral.

Reply #88. Feb 06 08, 1:02 PM
I had a huge crush on Peter Duel, ( I was 14 at the time), when my mom called from work to tell me that he had committed suicide. Anyone who ever loved westerns will remember him from the tv show, "Alias Smith and Jones". I think that that's the only time that I have ever cried over a celebrity.

Reply #89. Feb 06 08, 2:15 PM
rayven80 star

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Sal, that's great. What a great wit.

Reply #90. Feb 06 08, 2:23 PM
aggierose star
Princess Diana - what a loss to the whole world. I loved her.

Reply #91. Feb 06 08, 2:46 PM
rayven, I had the pleasure of meeting Richard Harris when he came to my hometown to do a stage production of "Camelot". He did a local tv show here and it had a live audience. He was a very tall man and he had the whitest complexion that I have ever seen on anyone, including Nicole Kidman. He was a very modest man because when he was asked about his singing he said that he was not very good at it. This from the man who not only sang the part of King Arthur but also recorded the hit song "MacArthur Park". I think that you would have liked the man as much as the actor.

Reply #92. Feb 06 08, 2:54 PM

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This probably doesn't count, but I cried when the Challenger exploded. I felt as if we'd lost a world of heroes and decades of hope.
I cried when John Wayne died-he was a member of my family.
I thought I would have to call in sick the day Jimmy Stewart died. I cried the hardest when JFK, jr. died. No family should have to face that much tragedy.

Reply #93. Feb 09 08, 12:30 AM
Silver_Knight star

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I cried last Fall when Robert Jordan died. I have spent so much of my life wrapped up in his imaginings, through "The Wheel of Time" series, that it felt as if a close friend had passed away.

Reply #94. Feb 09 08, 10:11 AM
I can't say I cried on any, but sad certainly in connection many of those that have already been mentioned and I might add Karen Carpenter. I think she was beautiful and very talented.

Reply #95. Feb 09 08, 10:43 AM
Heath Ledger: cried for about an hour after i found out..loved that guy :'[
Steve Irwin: i watched his wife talk on This Morning and she just made me blub.

Reply #96. Feb 11 08, 8:37 AM
guitargoddess star
It's a little weird, but I cry years later about peoples' death. I was really young when Kurt Cobain died but when I read about it now, I cry. I wasn't even alive when John Lennon died, and I cry every time I think about it. I've recently started researching John and Robert Kennedy for a paper I'm doing, and I cried when I read one historian's point, something like "what could the world have been like if these two men had been allowed to live for a few more decades?"

Reply #97. Feb 11 08, 8:22 PM

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Bob501-so right on about Karen Carpenter. One of those instantly recognizable voices. And probably the first time "Anorexia" listed in the headlines. I miss Steve Irwin as well. When we see these people on television-literally "in our homes", or sing along with them on our stereos everyday, their sudden deaths affect us just as emotionally as losing a friend sometimes.

John Lennon-1980. I was a sophomore in High School. It really doesn't seem like that much time has passed, I was thinking Guitargoddess must be awfully young, then I realize it's been 27 years!

Reply #98. Feb 11 08, 9:24 PM
RL2 star

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I cried and still do over the death of Princess Diana- Carolyn, her sister and JohnFK Jr-
Anna Nicoles Son after the birth of his new sister which made me cry for Anna herself and most for her beautiful baby girl.

Reply #99. Feb 11 08, 9:55 PM
ecnalubma star

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I remember crying for a while the day that Paul Hester died - for some reason, despite never having met the man, I was absolutely gutted.

I was on my way to the airport when I first heard that Heath Ledger died. I cried quietly in my seat for pretty much the whole plane trip. Such a bright light - the world is noticeably dimmer for his absence.

Reply #100. Feb 29 08, 2:44 AM

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