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Subject: Not all celebrities are a waste of space

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Mar 24 09

Some celebrities use their fame and fortune to fund and promote humanitarian cause. Which celebrity do you most admire for their involvement in paricular causes? My hat is off to Elizabeth Taylor who has raised millions to fund AIDS research and education, to the late Paul Newman for his work with literacy and other humanitarian programs (all profits from his line of salad dressings go to charities), to Michael J. Fox for his advocacy on behalf of Parkinson's Disease victims (admittedly, he has a vested interest, but he could be just sitting back and whining instead of fighting the good fight). There are many others. Who's your pick?

31 replies. On page 2 of 2 pages. 1 2
Deunan star
Michael J. Fox, Angelina Jolie, Paul Newman, Audrey Hepburn, Danny and Marlo Thomas to name a few.

A much better way to share time and wealth.

Reply #21. Sep 08 09, 11:36 AM
lesley153 star
Nice story. Nick Knowles, a TV presenter, and another passing motorist, pulled a woman and baby out of their overturned car. Another passing motorist, a nurse, helped treat the woman while they waited for emergency services. (The baby was unhurt and her mother wasn't seriously hurt.)

Reply #22. Sep 24 09, 6:35 AM
lesley153 star
~~~ Top honour for 'inspirational' Jade ~~~

Jade Goody has been given a posthumous "inspiration" award, which was accepted by her friend and publicist Max Clifford.

The reality TV star, who died earlier this year after battling cancer, was named as the recipient of the Inspirational Determination Award at the Inspiration Awards for Women in aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

Mr Clifford told the audience at the London ceremony: "Jade wasn't really much of a person for awards - she was just an ordinary girl who was extraordinary."

He said Jade had given a message to young people about cervical cancer: "The message she gave out was, don't let what happened to me happen to you.

"She achieved what the medical profession and politicians could not achieve. Most stars are totally selfish - she was all about other people."

Rest of article:

Reply #23. Oct 02 09, 8:45 PM
lesley153 star
Here's another rather nice story about Bruce Forsyth taking a fan's "dearest wish" a little further than most people in his position would have bothered to take it. It's a new story although it happened twelve years ago.

The usual scenario is that someone sick meets someone famous, and everyone's happy. Forsyth talked to a sick fan, and ended up phoning her for an hour a week for the next three years.

Reply #24. Oct 30 09, 5:37 AM
David Beckham's turned out to be a bit of a star. He's got a contract with a Paris football club, and will donate his entire earnings to a local children's charity.

His earnings are rumoured to be £150,000 a week (not bad for an old cacker of 37!), which will make his donation total about £3 million.

Reply #25. Jan 31 13, 6:10 PM
nasty_liar star

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It is of course very generous and I commend him for doing this especially when he doesn't need the money and is playing for the love of the game, but I know that many top/rich sportsmen also make very (unheralded) donations to charities and also make appearances and so on they just don't necessarily promote it.

Reply #26. Feb 01 13, 6:51 AM
blindcat78 star

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I admire Betty White for her work with animals. Also Bill Cosby for his efforts to encourage people to get a good education.

Reply #27. Feb 03 13, 4:25 PM
I like celebrities (or anyone) who gives out of the goodness of their heart and not to be recognized as some great philanthropist. Oprah has done great things for people, I'm sure but she makes sure 200 million people know about it. Meanwhile, Keith Richards, who is seen by many as some spoiled, drug-crazed rock star, donated a huge sum of money to the Canadian Institute for the blind. He did this after a blind girl actually visited the judge's home who was presiding over Richards' inhumane drug trial in Toronto and told him about how she followed the Stones around and no one but Richards ever made sure she got home or to a hotel safely. He does not mention the donation in his autobiography and I haven't even been able to find info about it on the internet.

Reply #28. Feb 10 13, 2:51 AM
No mention of a donation here, but he was ordered to do two benefit concerts for the CNIB.
Keep looking!

Reply #29. Feb 10 13, 8:20 AM
I don't believe that Keef is crazed at all. He made a donation to the Climate Project (Wiki), one of Al Gore's babies, but he's allowed the odd slip of judgement.

Ooh - apparently it may not have been their finest performance!

Reply #30. Feb 10 13, 8:28 AM
Thanks, Lesley. The bad review of the concert(s) is inaccurate , IMHO but I'm definitely biased!

Reply #31. Feb 18 13, 1:54 AM

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