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Subject: Anybody still like Mel Gibson?

Posted by: terbear528
Date: Jul 23 10

Just curious. I have always loved Mel and his movies (Braveheart is one of my favorites). Now it turns out he is not so nice of a guy. Rather shocking actually. So what does everybody think? Do you think his career is over for sure now and will people still go see his movies if he even does any more?

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Deunan star
No one is perfect. If our lives were held up for public view, I am quite certain many of us would not be cast in a good light.

As I only know about Mel from his movies, I cannot say anything about like or dislike.

Peronally, I enjoyed his Mad Max and Lethal Weapon movies. I still haven't seen Braveheart though.

Reply #1. Jul 23 10, 7:15 AM
honeybee4 star
Mel Gibson has a lot of problems and I'm not just talking about his girlfriend. He needs psychiatric help and supposedly he is getting it. I think his career is very compromised by his actions . Once was bad, but it seems to be getting worse. He can apologize all he wants, but actions speak louder than words.

Reply #2. Jul 23 10, 7:28 AM
Leave us not forget - before these people were 'celebrities', they were actual people! It's a shame that they seem to forget this fact, also.

Reply #3. Jul 23 10, 7:42 AM
I should have finished my thought.... I don't like Mel Gibson's actions - I think the man needs serious medical help! While he's at the hospital, he needs to get a vascetomy. He's got enough children. I don't think he can do anything at this point to redeem himself and his actions.

Reply #4. Jul 23 10, 9:13 AM
Cymruambyth star

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Once again, what Mel does is Mel's business. The fact that he appears to be an anti-Semitic, domineering, sexist pottymouth drunkard is no skin off my nose. I loathed 'Braveheart' (which was about as accurate as a painted watch!) and 'The Passion of the Christ' (referred to in my house as 'Mad Max in Robes and Sandals'), but I got a kick out of his character's antics in the Lethal Weapon series and thoroughly enjoyed 'What Women Want'. We need to remember that actors are people, and not always the people they portray on screen or stage, or even who their pressagents tell us they are.

Reply #5. Jul 23 10, 2:32 PM
I haven't "liked" Mel Gibson in ages, but that has nothing to do with his personal antics. I just don't like him that much as an actor, though he did have some good movies back in the day.

Reply #6. Jul 24 10, 10:04 PM
I like Mel and think he's a superb actor. I don't care what he's done, everyone of us makes mistakes. He has a bad temper, so what? I do, too and so do lots of other people. I think a lot of this stuff is hyped up and exaggerated by the media, anyway. I don't believe most of what the media says. it's just tabloid rumors.

Reply #7. Jul 24 10, 11:10 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Both Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise jumped the shark several years ago. Guarantee half the reason they get up to such shenanigans is because they know they've become irrelevant.

Reply #8. Jul 26 10, 7:02 PM
Anton star
"While he's at the hospital, he needs to get a vascetomy. He's got enough children."

*Shakes head*

Reply #9. Jul 26 10, 7:26 PM
trojan11 star

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I hope you remembered the tissue, Anton.

Reply #10. Jul 26 10, 7:26 PM
Anton star
Tell me why I would need a tissue.

Reply #11. Jul 26 10, 8:10 PM
I guess I only like Mel in the past tense. I loved all the Lethal Weapon movies, and What Women Want was not bad.

Other than his acting, I don't feel it's my place to publicly say anything else...

Reply #12. Jul 26 10, 10:30 PM
trojan11 star

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Stop it, Anton. Crack me up like that again and I'll have a heart attack.

Reply #13. Jul 28 10, 7:44 PM
7PinKy7 star
I don't care what he does or says in his personal life. I think he is a good actor and a great director. I like almost all of his movies. The Patriot is one of my favorite movies.

Reply #14. Nov 02 10, 7:59 PM
mhenson400 star
I like Mel's movies. I don't care what he does in his personal life. I don't go to movies because of the personal lives of the actors.

Reply #15. Nov 02 10, 8:11 PM
shipyardbernie star

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Good actor, what a joke. His scottish accent was worse than Russell Crowe's in Robin Hood.

Reply #16. Nov 04 10, 8:18 PM
TheRambler star

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I do and I am really sorry for him that he was taken in and used by his ex girlfriend and mother of his latest child.
I don't agree with the violence he took out on her but it must have been very hard for him to take in what he found out that the person he loved and trusted had betrayed him and used his name from the start to promote their career. He has a big drink problem and says what he likes because of that and he needs to get help for that but I really admire him as an actor. I wouldn't say he is a great actor, as his facial expressions are sometimes not at one with the part he is playing but he can make you feel the part he is portraying and you root for him, You take revenge with him, are very scared with him, feel sorry for him, laugh at him and that is what an actor is all about. I definitely still like Mel Gibson.

Reply #17. Nov 07 10, 10:02 AM
I haven't watched any of the Mad Max films - Mad Max, Mad Max in robes and sandals, Mad Max in a kilt - and I can't remember if I've seen him in anything else - probably not.

I thought he was pretty good as the voice for Rocky Rhodes the Rhode Island Red rooster in Chicken Run, but I wouldn't willingly watch him in anything now. I'd be too busy thinking "What an idiot that man is," and it would distract me from the film.

Reply #18. Nov 07 10, 12:13 PM
tezza1551 star

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With you Lesley.. 100%

Reply #19. Dec 05 10, 6:44 PM
shipyardbernie star

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If you want pay good money to watch a man who is a sandwich short of a picnic go right ahead.

Reply #20. Dec 11 10, 1:55 PM

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