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Subject: Anybody still like Mel Gibson?

Posted by: terbear528
Date: Jul 23 10

Just curious. I have always loved Mel and his movies (Braveheart is one of my favorites). Now it turns out he is not so nice of a guy. Rather shocking actually. So what does everybody think? Do you think his career is over for sure now and will people still go see his movies if he even does any more?

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bananapeel39 star

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I don't condone what Mel does/has done in his personal life, but if I stayed away from every movie because of the actor's real lives, I would be seeing very few movies.

Reply #41. Mar 04 12, 12:41 PM
Mommakat star

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Funnily enough, and I swear to it on a stack of bibles, my husband is at this moment sitting in the living room watching his recording of "Braveheart" for about the 100th time and that is a conservative guess. How he can watch it or Mel Gibson is beyond me. I can't stand him famous or infamous. :)

Reply #42. Mar 04 12, 8:01 PM
There's always some fallout when we see the flaws of others. The Dixie Chicks have as yet to regain their popularity after they trash talked Bush while they were touring in Europe. I doubt that Mel will ever fully regain his audience.

Reply #43. Mar 08 12, 6:46 AM
I agree with bananapeel (there's a sentence I never thought I'd utter...or type). I can understand not wanting to give certain actors your money by seeing their movies in the theater but if it's on TV, and you like the film, what's the harm?

Reply #44. Mar 09 12, 7:07 AM
I still enjoy Mel Gibson films.

Reply #45. Mar 12 12, 9:04 AM
jabb5076 star

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Mel Gibson is a bigoted, misogynistic dirtbag who uses alcohol as the excuse to let the monster out. Contemptible individual. Enough said.

Reply #46. Jun 08 13, 9:21 AM
Playmate - seconded.
Jabb - I like your style!

Reply #47. Jun 08 13, 12:11 PM
jabb5076 star

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Ha, Lesley--it's a shame I am so shy and retiring and have no opinions, isn't it! ;-)

Reply #48. Jun 08 13, 3:16 PM
Just like me! :)

Reply #49. Jun 08 13, 3:43 PM
daver852 star

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He's not as bad as Roman Polanski.

Reply #50. Jun 08 13, 11:46 PM
Mommakat star

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I think what it basically boils down to is what happens with a lot of celebrities. Fame goes to their heads (there is not much else inside) and they begin to think they are God's gift to the world and what they say, think and do is paramount. Incidentally I caught a glimpse of his better side in Braveheart, definitely an improvement on the front....LOL

Reply #51. Jun 08 13, 11:52 PM
jabb5076 star

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Mommakat, you are so right. It's also true with so many pro athletes and more than a few politicians. When everyone is continually bowing and scraping before you, I guess it's human nature to begin to think the rules don't apply to you.

Reply #52. Jun 09 13, 5:53 AM
shipyardbernie star

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The guy is a picnic short of a picnic!

Reply #53. Jun 16 13, 4:18 PM
Dreamcoat star
People are very unforgiving when it comes to celebrities messing up. Mel certainly made some huge mistakes, but are we to shoot him down forever? Crikey, some people make a living out of doing reprehensible things, and the media and fans seem to lap it up. It seems to depend on how you start out as to whether your subsequent behaviour is regarded as "normal" or an aberration.

Reply #54. Nov 27 13, 8:50 PM
Taltarzac star

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I would not judge a movie on the bad behavior of one of its stars. You can still enjoy "Braveheart" without having Mel Gibson over for a drink. Not sure who else I would want to invite, however, if I were having Mel Gibson over as he seems to offend just about everyone.

Reply #55. Jan 07 14, 8:10 AM
shipyardbernie star

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He has always been nuts.

Reply #56. Jan 09 14, 4:06 PM
I think you're right, Bernie. The only difference his fame makes is that we get to hear about him, and his alcohol-fuelled hate-filled ramblings. Take away the fame, and what's left?

Reply #57. Jan 09 14, 5:05 PM
"Braveheart" will always be one of my favorite movies of all time, and nothing Mel Gibson or any other actor does will ever change that. I do think his career has suffered because of what's come out; I know he's older now but actors like Tom Hanks have mamanged to flourish despite not being as young.

Reply #58. Feb 03 14, 8:30 AM
"Braveheart" is one of my favorites, too. Mel has been in a lot of great movies. "Edge Of Darkness", "Hamlet", "Ransom", "Payback", "Conspiracy Theory", "We Were Soldiers", "The Patriot", "Signs". He may not be a perfect human being (Who is?) but he is one of the most talented actors ever born. His fabulous career speaks for itself. Most actors these days can't hold a candle to him. He's THAT good, in my opinion!

Reply #59. Feb 03 14, 1:20 PM
mountaingoat star

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Mel thought bubble. "I don't like gays or jews so I think I will go to Hollywood." I don't think he uses alcohol as an excuse. From what my recovering alcoholic friends tell me you do and say things to piss off the largest number of people when you are drunk.

Reply #60. Feb 26 14, 3:43 AM

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