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Subject: Are Celebs more important than us?

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Dec 08 11

There have been many stories about so called 'celebrities' thinking that the rules that apply to the rest of us don't apply to them. Should they be allowed to get away with it?

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Reply #1. Dec 08 11, 9:12 AM
rayven80 star

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Being a celebrity means they are in the public eye and unfortunately don't set good examples most of the time. I don't think they should get away with the things they do but we don't get a say in the matter.

Reply #2. Dec 08 11, 10:13 AM
turbotude star

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No, I don't feel celebrities should get away with anything that WE don't. They're just people, and the law is the law....which means it should apply equally to EVERYONE.

Reply #3. Dec 09 11, 12:30 PM
SisterSeagull star

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Rayven.... That's not strictly correct... We do have a say in how they should behave. If a 'celebrity' upsets us, the viewing and paying public, all we have to do is to no longer buy their fitness DVD's, books, read magazine articles about them or go to see them in concert or view their films at the cinema... Do that and they'll soon be returning to obscurity. That's the best way to deal with them!

Reply #4. Dec 09 11, 2:37 PM
daver852 star

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Not more important, but some of them are more interesting. I'm the most boring person in the world.

Reply #5. Dec 09 11, 3:11 PM
shipyardbernie star

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It is only the morons that watch the shows they are on and buy the magazines they are in that keeps them in the limelight. Some people actually spend money phoning some of the shows to vote for these people, they should seek professional help.

Reply #6. Dec 09 11, 3:24 PM
blindcat78 star

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I think that if celebrities do the crime they should pay the fine or do the time. They aren't different from the regular people & so they shouldn't get away with the stuff that they get away with.

Reply #7. Dec 11 11, 1:59 PM
paulmallon star

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hardly...they are after all , a part of "us"

Reply #8. Dec 16 11, 11:50 AM
izzy50 star
if it wasnt for the fans they wouldnt exist , they forget that sometimes ,,

Reply #9. Dec 23 11, 2:18 PM
I'm a little more concerned about what politicians get away with.

Reply #10. Jan 08 12, 12:38 PM
It sure seems that way, doesn't it?

Reply #11. Jan 14 12, 2:19 PM
bananapeel39 star

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Just because they are famous, doesn't make them above the law.

Reply #12. Mar 08 12, 2:04 PM
I think celebs are more important.

Reply #13. Mar 12 12, 9:09 AM
lola0177 star

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no but they are definitely wealthier

Reply #14. Apr 05 12, 8:04 PM
Mommakat star

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We have seen examples of the law catching up with certain Celebs. for example, Mel Gibson, Zaa Zaa Gabor, Winona Ryder etc. But what annoys me is that people support them by watching their shows, films, etc. and they grow wealthy and live in the lap of luxury - while honest hard working people struggle all their lives for what little they get. No justice there.

Reply #15. Apr 05 12, 9:12 PM

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Same society rules and laws for everyone.
I think a person is a celebrity because it represents something to me and a lot of other people (a specific something), for example an actor exists for me through his roles ,in any other aspect of his life he is a stranger to me like other billions, so like those billions his life is ruled by the society and concerns me only as part of it.
I also think that anyone of us is a celebrity (applying the same definition) to the people (fewer,of course)who love/admire us and for whom we made a difference.
In Merlin (the movie)is a scene where Merlin says to Queen Mab that she exist only because people aknowledge her and if people will turn back from her she will no longer be.
I think this apply to celebrities too.

Reply #16. Feb 22 13, 8:46 PM
13LuckyLady star

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Celebs are paid to do a job be it acting/singing/etc. Nothing more.

Unfortunately, a great deal of the time they are placed on pedestals by their fans.

Plus it seems the idea is to remain in the public eye in order to further their careers. Even bad press is a way to ensure they are not forgotten.

Are they more important than us? No way! We are the ones who pay them with our hard-earned money. Unfortunately, many celebs seem to forget that without us, they wouldn't even have a job.

Reply #17. Feb 22 13, 9:42 PM

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