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Subject: Roseanne Barr for President!

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Feb 07 12

Have you heard that Roseanne is running for POTUS? Hey, she can't be any worse that some of the others we've had! She may actually do a great job, if she gets elected, that is. Any thoughts or comments?

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turbotude star

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The old interview with Charlie Rose? I'm still wondering how many Xanax she took to be calm and quiet like that.

The second interview with Joy Behar was more typical of Roseanne. Why do I think she's ignorant? Did you notice the part of her dialogue where she stated that if people grew macadamias, there would be fewer cheeseburger farms and the whole thing would be better for the environment.

Lastly, did you ever watch "Roseanne's Nuts"? I did....out of curiosity to see if her personna was sensible, and maybe a bit funny, too. Far from it! It was like roasting in hades, sitting through an entire program of Roseanne's foul-mouthed screeching. Looking at her was just as difficult. She looked like the dirtiest slob I've ever laid eyes on. YUCK!

Sorry, Lesley. These two interviews did nothing to raise my opinion of Ms. Barr.

Reply #141. Feb 23 12, 6:52 PM
*cower* I thought cheeseburger farms was a joke, in similar vein to cheese mines, sausage dogs and spaghetti trees.

No I haven't seen R's Nuts. I shall have a look on YouTube in the morning.

And no, I didn't know if the two interviews would raise your opinion of her, or change it, or not make any difference. Just wondered what you thought. But you're ahead of me. Need sleep.

Reply #142. Feb 23 12, 7:15 PM
shipyardbernie star

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Don't hold anything back Greatguggly, lol. It's the morons that line up to watch them walk the red carpet at the award shows that do my head in, get a life.

Reply #143. Feb 24 12, 6:47 AM
tezza1551 star
Bernie.. stop reading my mind please !

Reply #144. Feb 24 12, 8:01 AM
turbotude star

player avatar
I'm going to quit while I'm 'behind' on the subject of Roseanne. I'm just hope what started out as a "joke" doesn't become America's next nightmare. (shiver!)

Reply #145. Feb 24 12, 12:34 PM
boxjaw star

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Wait! Wait! Lesley. The link to Post#93 was absolutely spot on detective work on your part (thanks Rick). I watched that piece and was stunned with embarrassment on so many levels. John. John, what were you thinking? It's like putting the waterboy in the game when the game is on the line. I hope George never watched this horrid display of naïveté. Someone in the crowd should've thrown one of those 'blanket poncho' things they were wearing over her and carted her off! What a horrible scratch on the chalkboard she was.

Reply #146. Feb 24 12, 11:11 PM
Glad you liked it. I'm confident that Rick did! ;) That was a lot of posts ago. What a popular topic this is!

John looked perfectly happy throughout. I can't begin to imagine what he was thinking. My guess, "These are the best earplugs in the world."

"What a horrible scratch on the chalkboard she was."
What do you mean, "was"?

Reply #147. Feb 25 12, 7:00 AM
Have you hear "Kiss Kiss Kiss"? I think it's on Double Fantasy. LMAO
Yoko Yoko Yoko.

Reply #148. Feb 25 12, 8:58 AM
Hear Ye Hear Ye..I meant herd of course.
No wait..

Reply #149. Feb 25 12, 9:00 AM
I have now - and I shall never get those 40 seconds back. Sorry, it was all I could take.

If "Kiss kiss kiss" was too lyrical and melodious, try this:
There are no naughty words in it. There are no words.

Reply #150. Feb 25 12, 9:23 AM
Can you believe people actually clapped after she got done screeching? That was awful!

Reply #151. Feb 28 12, 1:24 AM
turbotude star

player avatar
What happened to the discussion on Roseanne for POTUS???

Reply #152. Feb 28 12, 12:29 PM
What does singing have to do with being President of the United States anyway?

Reply #153. Feb 28 12, 2:33 PM
Hannah:Maybe someone mentioned it because our current POTUS has a very good singing voice. But Presidents aren't picked on how well they can sing, that's for sure.

Reply #154. Feb 28 12, 3:27 PM
shipyardbernie star

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I think your thread has been very interesting callie_ross but like a lot of others it has gone off message slightly but still funny in places. They all seem to do that after a while. I don't really mind that but I often wonder what the originator of the thread thinks when their thread gets hijacked.

Reply #155. Feb 28 12, 4:38 PM
None of the above! If you go back a bit closer to the beginning, you will see that a lot of people object to Roseanne because of her voice, singing or speaking. I asked at the time when the selection of the President of the USA was based on the candidate's singing ability.

Maybe it hasn't been - but it will be now!

Reply #156. Feb 28 12, 5:48 PM
turbotude star

player avatar
I don't care if ANY president can SING. I'm still trying to imagine Roseanne Barr giving a State of the Union address in that nasal, screechy voice she uses for most of her television appearances. (shudder, shudder!)

Therefore, it seems vocal tone does make an impression....good or bad.

Reply #157. Feb 28 12, 8:55 PM
Shipyardbernie: I made a few comments about this earlier in the thread. I don't mind that the thread has gone off topic, really. There's only so much that people can say about this topic without running out of things to say & then the thread would die. I'm glad to see so many people getting such enjoyment out of it! I'm pleased that I was able to provide such a popular thread & the replies are funny! I've enjoyed reading them all. :)

Reply #158. Feb 28 12, 10:40 PM
boxjaw star

player avatar
Love it callie_ross! A post that needs to be spread out to other threads here. Thanks for the open-mindedness of your last post.

Reply #159. Feb 29 12, 11:17 AM
Gee I wonder who twisted the thread?

Yoko Yoko Yoko

Reply #160. Mar 01 12, 5:21 PM

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