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Subject: Roseanne Barr for President!

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Feb 07 12

Have you heard that Roseanne is running for POTUS? Hey, she can't be any worse that some of the others we've had! She may actually do a great job, if she gets elected, that is. Any thoughts or comments?

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I thought so but wasn't sure, Mothergoose. He mentioned the poster of this thread so I thought he meant me but then it looked like he was talking to Lesley. Just wanted to clear the air!

Reply #41. Feb 12 12, 12:23 PM
Thank you everyone for support and information.

VM's right - not only are some of my best friends American, I have American sisters-in-law, nieces, and female cousins.

I hadn't thought of Roseanne's relative popularity there and here. Interesting point. Difference is, you don't have to be born here to be prime Minister.

We seem to have stopped debating her plans for Israel. Shame. I think she would bring a lot of bubble-bursting common sense to it.

And now I consider myself very told and completely dug. Thank you, ALV, for digging me. That deserves a hug.

Reply #42. Feb 12 12, 1:10 PM
turbotude star

player avatar're STILL the bomb, even if we don't agree on everything. VM: don't worry, it's all good.

Reply #43. Feb 12 12, 1:48 PM
Anton star
No problem, Lesley. But, don't expect me to thank you for insulting the women of my homeland.

Reply #44. Feb 12 12, 3:02 PM

player avatar

Can't handle the competition,Anton?


Reply #45. Feb 12 12, 3:50 PM
Turbotude, thank you, I like that. *big smile*

ALV, I'm sorry you think it's an insult. I don't see it or intend it as an insult at all. I think you need another hug.

(((((( ALV ))))))

There, did that help?

Paul, you might be right!

Reply #46. Feb 12 12, 5:05 PM
Anton star
Where is the competition? Who am I competing with? What am I competing for?

Reply #47. Feb 12 12, 8:14 PM
I know, Turbo. Thanks for the good attitude!

Reply #48. Feb 12 12, 9:03 PM
boxjaw star

player avatar
I'd still vote for Stephen Colbert. Lesley, his comedy isn't for everyone. It's probably more for the american taste anyway. He tries to show up a lot of the hypocrisy
in our (US) politics. I'll probably get a lot of flack from some of our, shall we say, right of center friends for 'endorsing' him. Hah! :^)

Reply #49. Feb 13 12, 11:19 AM
daver852 star

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I don't care if all American women sound like Roseanne Barr; I'm just grateful most of them don't look like her.

Reply #50. Feb 13 12, 11:40 AM
turbotude star

player avatar

Hope the above link works. This is the difference between someone who has respect for our flag and our troops.....and the trashy, irreverant Roseanne. Roseanne for president? Uh.....NO!

Reply #51. Feb 13 12, 2:11 PM
No, Colbert's comedy isn't for me. I can't find much of it to watch, because is unavailable here, so I watched him making a brief statement to C-SPAN, and half the clip of him "roasting" GWB. I couldn't watch it all because my stomach was in knots. I heard a lot of gossip (from him), a lot of gasps (from his audience), and hardly any laughs. I saw a lot of grimaces on the faces of audience members who appeared to be waiting for something to laugh at. Perhaps all his good stuff is on his own website - the one I can't see.

I'm perfectly comfortable watching American performers, and I've enjoyed American comedians - Jack Benny (that's going back a bit!), George Carlin was pretty good, almost as good as Dave Allen, I really liked Rita Rudner, and Lewis Black is superb - but this one left me cold. He just makes me think of the worst person you could possibly choose to make a speech at your wedding. Sorry.

Daver - worst nightmare?

Reply #52. Feb 13 12, 2:32 PM
daver852 star

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Reply #53. Feb 13 12, 3:04 PM
You're welcome. You seem to like it even more than I thought you would!

Reply #54. Feb 13 12, 5:19 PM
shipyardbernie star

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Hey, we have enough American rejects like Ruby Wax and Robert Vaughan on UK TV so you can keep Roseanne over there thank you very much.

Reply #55. Feb 15 12, 7:58 PM
Ruby Wax has an English husband, so it looks like she's here to stay.

What on earth Robert Vaughan is doing here, I have no idea.

Oh look - how exciting is this?

Reply #56. Feb 15 12, 8:47 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
OMG Robert Vaughan on "Corrie". I haven't watched it for more than 15 years. He must be hard up. What next James Garner on "Emmerdale" or Sylvester Stallone on "Last Of The Summer Wine"?

Reply #57. Feb 15 12, 9:10 PM
turbotude star

player avatar
James Garner and Sylvester Stallone in the same category? I think NOT!

Now....about Roseanne.....should we sew up her pie hole before we exile her to the UK? C'mon Bernie, you KNOW you want her!

Reply #58. Feb 16 12, 5:09 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
Lol Turbo, while you are sewing up her pie hole could you do the same for Sean Penn before he gets anyone into trouble with his big mouth.

Reply #59. Feb 16 12, 5:43 PM
turbotude star

player avatar
Well, Bernie, maybe I should just start up a pie-hole-sewing assembly line, since there are so many who need this service....such as:

Sean Penn
Charlie Sheen
Alec Baldwin
Jane Fonda
Nancy Pelosi (and all the REST of the politicos)

Heck, now that I've started the list, I'm afraid I won't be able to STOP! Lord, have mercy on me!

Reply #60. Feb 16 12, 7:59 PM

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