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Subject: Roseanne Barr for President!

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Feb 07 12

Have you heard that Roseanne is running for POTUS? Hey, she can't be any worse that some of the others we've had! She may actually do a great job, if she gets elected, that is. Any thoughts or comments?

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tezza1551 star
You could all have it worse.. in Australia, we currently have Peter Garrett (ex Midnight Oil) as Labor Member for Kingsford Smith,
Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth !

Reply #81. Feb 18 12, 5:18 PM
Imagine if Lennon's woman had married Cher's man. Yoko Ono Bono.

Reply #82. Feb 18 12, 5:34 PM
Sean Penn has the mental capacity (zilch) of my favorite of his characters...Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. And he's a Hugo Chavez groupie.

Reply #83. Feb 18 12, 5:39 PM
We had a Hugo Chavez groupie as mayor of London a few years ago. Slimy little whiny-voiced git he was. (The mayor - I don't know about Chavez.)

Reply #84. Feb 18 12, 5:46 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
Greatguggly what an image you have put in my head with that love match. What if they named their child after the lead singer from U2 Bono Ono Bono.

Reply #85. Feb 18 12, 6:46 PM
tezza1551 star
Whoopi Goldberg might have married Peter Cushing, making her Whoopi Cushing ...

Reply #86. Feb 18 12, 7:29 PM
Ha! Good one.

Yoko? Oh No!!

Reply #87. Feb 18 12, 9:01 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
Nice one tezza, a whole new thread has been launched.

Reply #88. Feb 19 12, 2:46 AM
This is a late, and only slightly off-topic, response to Houston's post 68. It's from the BBC, and you get a prize for
1. reading all of it;
2. finding how many times the word "oil" is mentioned.

" Falkland Islands: What are the competing claims? "

Reply #89. Feb 19 12, 9:30 AM
boxjaw star

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I absolutely agree with Prime Minister Cameron when he rebuts the Argentinian claims of colonialism by the UK.

Reply #90. Feb 19 12, 10:13 AM
And I enjoyed his counter-accusation.

I wonder what Simon Jenkins means by hand them back - who would he hand them "back" to?

Reply #91. Feb 19 12, 11:09 AM
More Yoko O. No?

If you ever get the chance, check out "The Rolling Stones Rock n Roll Circus" on DVD. It was filmed in 1968. Besides some excellent music by The Stones, The Who, Jethro Tull, Taj Mahal and others, there's a performance by a supergroup called The Dirty Mac, created for only this occasion. The group consists of John Lennon on lead vocals, Eric Clapton on lead guitar, Keith Richards on bass and Mitch Mitchell on drums. The group plays Lennon's "Yer Blues" and then launches into some unnamed long jam that is equally fantastic. That is, until Yoko takes the stage and starts screeching and warbling like a dying monkey. The suffering goes on for a few minutes during which time, Richards and Clapton can briefly be seen looking at each other and snickering. I was already laughing but when I saw that they couldn't contain themselves either I literally laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

Incredibly, a couple years after I first saw this, I walked into a party somewhere and some people were gathered in the living room and they were actually watching the Dirty Mac do their thing! Yoko hadn't graced the stage with her presence yet, so I told everyone to get ready for a special treat. We all got a good laugh at the screeching but the Richards/Clapton moment had been edited out! I watched it twice more and it was gone. Did Yoko demand it? I still wonder.

Reply #92. Feb 19 12, 11:32 AM
Hadn't heard of it so went searching.

Dirty mac,whole lotta yoko. (No video.)

The Dirty Mac - Whole Lotta Yoko
“This video contains content from UMG. It is not available in your country.” Perhaps Americans can watch it?

The Dirty Mac with Yoko and Ivry Gitlis - "Whole Lotta Yoko" (1968)
Music and video, and Gitlis corpsing too. O joy.

Reply #93. Feb 19 12, 1:18 PM
We seem to have forgotten about Roseanne's political aspirations - have we?

Reply #94. Feb 19 12, 1:19 PM
blindcat78 star

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I vote for her in a New York minute! We need a woman in the white house & with her personality, I think that she'll get the job done!!

Reply #95. Feb 19 12, 3:10 PM
Are we all having fun? My thread has been derailed big time, but I'm enjoying the posts! As Shipyardbernie said, a whole new thread has been launched! Have at it!

Reply #96. Feb 19 12, 6:27 PM
Yes thank you, we are all having fun!

I'd vote for her, because she's perceptive and doesn't posture. All I need to do is emigrate.

Reply #97. Feb 19 12, 10:14 PM
Mommakat star

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I have been sitting here reading up all the aforegoing and just about falling off the chair with mirth at some of it, but what surprises me is that in all this criticism of Roseanne's voice ( and I heartily concur) no one mentioned Fran Drescher. Now there's a voice! But seriously I know a lot of very very nice American women in America itself and believe me the Roseanne's are not all that prevalent, at least not in the circles I moved in.

Reply #98. Feb 19 12, 11:33 PM
I'm glad you are all enjoying this thread! And to think when I first had the idea to post it, I had second thoughts because of the topic! Silly me! :) But if Lesley is happy then I am, too! :)

Reply #99. Feb 20 12, 12:25 AM
turbotude star

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No, Lesley, we haven't forgotten about Roseanne's political aspirations......although we may be TRYING to!

Mommakat, you're right....Fran Drescher has a voice as grating as fingernails on a chalkboard. Thankfully, she isn't considering a run for the presidency. She's also cuter and funnier than Roseanne. I still watch repeats of The Nanny.

Reply #100. Feb 20 12, 6:39 PM

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