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Subject: Octamom Enters Rehab

Posted by: 13LuckyLady
Date: Oct 30 12

While I wish her the best of luck, I wonder if she ever considered exactly how hectic her life would become with all those children.


Frankly, if the media followed me around like they often do her, I would be cornering the market on silly string and be using it freely.

8 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Not surprised she's stressed. I wonder how she planned to find the money to look after them all, and where they would have gone if they hadn't found another property after the bank had foreclosed.

Here's a Daily Mail article about the new house.
The standard of journalism is abysmal, but it has a lot more pictures and some expenditure figures.

The family food bill is £600 a month, which sounds pretty scary but is dwarfed by other costs, including security. I was surprised that medical costs weren't mentioned.

She has now made an "adult" film to help with costs. There are worse ways to feed a family.

Reply #1. Oct 30 12, 5:21 PM
Aussiedrongo star
Call me cold hearted and callous, but I have no sympathy for her. Plenty of sympathy for the children born to this moronic woman, but not one iota for her.

Reply #2. Nov 05 12, 3:03 PM
nautilator star

player avatar
She already had 6 children, then spent a ton to have 8 more. That's not even remotely sane.

On a similar note, I just came across this and thought it was funny:

Reply #3. Dec 02 12, 12:00 AM
jabb5076 star

player avatar
"call me cold hearted and callous, but I have no sympathy for her."

I'm with you Aussie. Why does a user and publicity seeker, who was able to have all those children because the taxpayers paid for it, deserve our sympathy? Her unconscionable behavior is matched by the idiot doctor who violated all standard practices and professional ethics and performed all those embryo implantations. I think he's either lost (or is in the process of losing) his medical license, and that is as it should be.

Reply #4. Dec 02 12, 8:09 AM
13LuckyLady star

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The ones I feel sorry for are the children.

Reply #5. Dec 02 12, 8:32 AM
scorpion1960 star

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She used and abused the welfare system. She is the worst possible role model a child could ever have. She should not be allowed to raise children.

Reply #6. Dec 29 12, 12:26 AM
Dee30 star

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My thoughts are that it is a tragedy that our society has people that exist and multiply that think others will provide for them. Yes, we are to help others when they need help and the Doctor surely knew better than to help her in this situation. My symphaty is for the children who had no say in the matter. Some people are publicity seekers and want to go down in history for something. Warped ideas lead to situations like this.

Reply #7. Dec 29 12, 8:59 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
I wonder about the doctor who gave her the fertility drugs when she already had several kids. This is clearly unethical; it should be illegal.

Reply #8. Oct 19 13, 5:42 PM

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