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Subject: Hugo Chavez Is Dead

Posted by: daver852
Date: Mar 05 13

Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan Marxist dictator, is dead. C'mon, Fidel, don't keep him waiting.

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What's funny is when a foreigner thinks they know something about this country and they've got it completely wrong. It's not something that bothers me unless the person uses the incorrect notion as a foundation for more serious and ridiculous opinions. Mountaingoat's assertion that the right-wing controls the media message in this country is the perfect example. It's a laughably false notion that, for me, discredits everything else he says.

Reply #41. Mar 15 13, 2:18 PM
gracious1 star

player avatar
"Best link you could find was from Wiki Houston, lol"

I gather you are suggesting that the US did NOT participate in the coup that put the Shah of Iran in power in the 1950s? Of course we did. The government doesn't even deny it.

And no, I'm not Muslim; I'm a Christian, and a student of history, and I'm just pointing out that it happened, and it doesn't make one disloyal or unpatriotic to say so.

Reply #42. Mar 15 13, 3:32 PM
gracious, you would be incorrect.

I have been on opposite ends of debates with Houston for many a year and respect his knowledge and I know he has better sourced information than Wiki.

Reply #43. Mar 15 13, 3:52 PM
First of all, I love my country with all my heart. GG is correct. The media is in the pocket of this administration and they are left wing radicals. America is on the brink of planned collapse (in my opinion) but this administration is just setting it up. It doesn't matter if a Democrat or Republican gets elected in 2016 because I really feel it will come to a head then if not before.

Reply #44. Mar 15 13, 4:54 PM
ozfei star

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I am closing this thread as it now has nothing to do with the original "topic* and is fast becoming a political 'debate' which are no longer allowed on the FT site.

CB Moderator

Reply #45. Mar 15 13, 7:03 PM
This thread has been closed to new replies.

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