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Subject: RIP Nelson Mandela

Posted by: ozfei
Date: Dec 06 13

A great man. The world would benefit of more people of his ilk.

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Mommakat star

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A Great man is an understatement. I would say he was the greatest man of the modern age. He will be sadly missed.

Reply #1. Dec 06 13, 5:28 AM
dcpddc478 star

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He was the inspiration for millions of people...may he rest in peace, free from the ills of this world. He was a great man and a role-model for the ages.

Reply #2. Dec 06 13, 7:29 AM
boxjaw star

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He made the transition from apartheid to democracy much less turbulent and violent than it could've been in South Africa. I laud the man and everything he stood for.

Reply #3. Dec 06 13, 8:32 AM
KayceeKool star

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Hamba Kahle, Madiba.

Thank you for everything you did for this country.

Reply #4. Dec 06 13, 9:12 AM
alexis722 star

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So passes a hero and a legend, one human being we should all be proud of!

Reply #5. Dec 06 13, 11:13 AM
tiye star

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"It always seems impossible until it's done." Nelson Mandela.

Reply #6. Dec 06 13, 11:35 AM

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A truly great and inspirational man.

Reply #7. Dec 06 13, 1:07 PM
Mommakat star

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I find it rather sad that only a handful of members saw fit to acknowledge the passing of Nelson Mandella, yet celebrities got more attention. This man contributed more to the good of mankind that all the rest lumped together.
What is wrong with you people? Even Dr. Death, Jack K. got more notice.

Reply #8. Dec 07 13, 12:24 AM
Mommakat: Not everyone is a fan of Mr. Mandela so it would be wise not to say anything in that case. "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all". I'm sure you've heard that old quote before. I've heard many people speak out against him the past day or 2, not on this website but on other sites on the internet. This could be why there were so few responses. Or maybe a lot of people just haven't spotted this thread yet.

Reply #9. Dec 07 13, 1:07 AM
Mommakat star

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Well frankly it is a good thing that the dissenters are in the minority. Only the shortsighted and misinformed would deny the greatness of this man.

Reply #10. Dec 07 13, 1:18 AM
tiye star

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Honestly, now, the man was larger than life, from what I read, his funeral is expected to be one of the largest ever in the world, every country leader will be there, and the reason there are so few replies on this thread is that people disagree with him? A lot of people disagreed with Thatcher and her thread had 110 replies before it was closed! As I have said many times on the threads, there are almost 2 million people playing here, that makes 2 million different approaches to everything. Some people feel it in their hearts to say something, some people don't. Fair enough!

Reply #11. Dec 07 13, 5:18 AM

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On a similar note, there are more posts about this in the FunTrivia Forums. Different people choose different places to post; different people also use different ways of reacting to the death of a noteworthy figure. I'm sure there's more out there than you can see here.

Reply #12. Dec 07 13, 5:13 PM

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
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