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Subject: Is British food the worst?

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Jan 04 08

Posted by: Les_Johnson

Subject: Is British food the worst?
Date: Jan 04 08

Of all the major countries in the world, is British cuisine the worst? I'd have to say yes. I suppose one could make a case for Korea, but at least Korean cuisine has flavor. The only good British dish I've ever had is Beef Wellington, and against that must be offset truly revolting dishes like "haggis." What's your opinion? Les

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This probably belongs in "Hobbies"

Reply #1. Jan 04 08, 9:11 AM Delete - Edit

I don't like British food in all honesty, and ye this will be moved to hobbies.

I like fish and chips and can tolerate Sunday roast dinners if they are infrequent. Much else is pushing it.

Reply #2. Jan 04 08, 9:19 AM Delete - Edit


Not because of the idea of learning more about british food, but the manner in which the subject is approached does not lead to good discussion on the subject.

Reply #3. Jan 04 08, 9:22 AM Delete - Edit

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supersal1 star
toocool4u - there you go with stereotypes. How about fresh or smoked salmon, spring lamb, new potatoes, fruit fool, a brilliant range of cheeses, Dundee cake, Chelsea buns, Eccles cakes, crumpets, muffins, proper sausages....but as you say, you've never tried it. Incidentally, black pudding is rather tasty and steak and kidney pudding is to die for.

Reply #21. Jan 04 08, 2:51 PM
fontenilles star
Proper sausages Sal is a term the French might debate - But Crumpets - Heaven - I wonder if you can buy them on line?


Reply #22. Jan 04 08, 2:56 PM
english food is varied not just blacvk puddings and haggis.

Toad in the hole is great, mince and dumplings etc

Reply #23. Jan 04 08, 2:56 PM
robin why not try out tescos on line or asdas might send you some to france

Reply #24. Jan 04 08, 2:57 PM
trojan11 star

player avatar
toocoo,  my dear chap you haven't lived the real culinary blast. Look, ignore all that drivel from the untravelled no-nothings who read 'something' about Beef Wellington.How's this, might not be your cup-of-tea but try it - Whole chicken deep fried in butter, fries deep fried in butter (after first being par boiled) - to die for for chumley. Top off with battered (flour etc) onions deep fried in..yup, you guessed it...butter. Then, mate..then, when it's on the plate you slap on the mayonnaise. On the side you have just two side dishes: 1 tomato in case you are on a health kick (oh, spare me) and slices of bread that are first buttered and the placed under the grill until they zizzle. And you know? This meal costs very little.We are not talking haute cuisine here, just really yummy stuff; Oh, if you really want to get into the 'let's eat the native stuff' thing, you might like to try a yorkshire pudding.

Reply #25. Jan 04 08, 3:04 PM
jonnowales star

player avatar
I guess I am one of the few Brits here then who isn't thoroughly fussed on the British cuisine (unless you think Les is British - who knows ;>).
It isn't that it is all disgusting (some of it is), but there are many a cuisine I would put ahead of British stuff. Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Mediterranean (as a whole), Thai and Indian.

Reply #26. Jan 04 08, 3:08 PM
Perhaps I have been a bit stereotypical.
Some of your suggestions sound quite tasty.
I may have to try some of them,
Maybe it would help me get below 500 lbs.

Reply #27. Jan 04 08, 3:10 PM
Or you could always go to Heston Blumenthal's 3 star Michelin restaurant, The Fat Duck, in Berkshire and try some of the house specialities. Personally I love the sound of Snail Porridge followed by his legendary Bacon and Egg Ice-Cream.

Reply #28. Jan 04 08, 3:15 PM
supersal1 star
Probably not on trojan's recipe toocool, although you would die happy!

Jon, I think regarding other world cuisines, we just get to sample the best of them. There are probably lots of disgusting dishes that are kept quiet in their native countries.

Reply #29. Jan 04 08, 3:17 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
I've not had bad experiences with English cuisine.

Middle Eastern, on the other hand....

Reply #30. Jan 04 08, 3:26 PM
jonnowales star

player avatar
Supersal, that is most probably so. But, my opinion is therefore based on the best of each cuisine rather than the cuisine in its entirety. Either way I would probably say it remains the same either way, for me of course :)

Reply #31. Jan 04 08, 3:26 PM
Two people on this thread think that Les is a Brit in disguise. Les, put us out of our misery, please - what are your experiences of and connections with Britain?

I agree with Sally; Les is wildly entertaining. Except when he's talking about his body and excuse me I'm just off for a cold shower.

But, before I go, consider Welsh salt marsh lamb, Aberdeen Angus beef, Whitstable oysters and Cromer crabs, blue Stilton cheese, Cox's Orange Pippins, Scottish raspberries, Scottish salmon (fresh and smoked), Arbroath smokies and Finnan haddies, King Edwards and Jersey Royal potatoes... that'll do to start. Are British ingredients not unbeatable?

Reply #32. Jan 04 08, 3:47 PM
Might have been mentioned: Yorkshire Pudding? mmmmmmm

and yeah Black Pudding is horrible.

Reply #33. Jan 04 08, 3:57 PM
i used to think that but charley barleys is a great black pudding

Reply #34. Jan 04 08, 3:59 PM
Ah yeh. The $750 an hour Les and his six foot four, I can bench press 360 lbs, rough and tumble lawyer physique. He could be British actually, but if he is, he's posting (to paraphase the NWA album) straight outta Rampton.

Reply #35. Jan 04 08, 4:01 PM
Lesley, not too much experience with British food actually, just a couple weeks in London and a week each touring Scotland and Ireland. Irish breakfast sausage is nasty ... most other British-type food that I tasted, pretty bland. Haggis I sampled and almost lost my previous meal. Tres gross! "Toad in a hole" I'd like to try just because the name is so cool. Les

Reply #36. Jan 04 08, 4:15 PM
Yes, I will agree, Stilton is excellent ... my favorite blue cheese. Just love it with walnuts and a fine vintage port. Les

Reply #37. Jan 04 08, 4:18 PM
Well, there's looby again, straining to be obnoxious ... what else is new on FT? Les

Reply #38. Jan 04 08, 4:19 PM
honeybee4 star
I'm not sure about the haggis, blood pudding, or kidney pie, but the rest of it sounds delicious. Has to be better than Texas chili.

Reply #39. Jan 04 08, 4:32 PM
honey, have you ever had any good TexMex? Ummm ... good! Les

Reply #40. Jan 04 08, 4:52 PM

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