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Subject: Grammar, Grammar, Grammar!

Posted by: Lochalsh
Date: Sep 07 10

What error in grammar disturbs you most, gives you a fingernail-across-chalkboard sensation? For me, it's "for you and I." Would a person ever say "Oh, is it for I?" No? Then why would that same individual say "for you and I"?

Stop me before I start in on the nominative vs. accusative stuff! :)

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Thanks, understood.

Reply #221. Jan 28 11, 11:16 PM
roxymary star
Have not read through all the posts . . .but interesting topic and one close to my heart.

I do not like the expressions. VERY first or VERY last or ONE OF the tallest, shortest, fattest, thinnest.

You are either first, last, tallest, shortest, fattest and thinnest.

If these words are to mean anything, then they should be used correctly.

Reply #222. Jan 30 11, 7:58 AM
roxymary star
and on the news regularly.

Australia are leading England by 299 runs. . Australia IS

And since when it a team referred to as the team are playing this weekend.

Advertisements . . . .A company is usually referred to are instead of is . . .

The Government are ....ete etc

Singular words do not need an ARE.

However, members of the team ARE playing tomorrow of course is correct.

Reply #223. Jan 30 11, 8:01 AM
roxymary star
Sorry if that was jumbled above . . . .I am tired and it is humid here in Oz and my glasses as well as my brain steam up. (up steam)

Reply #224. Jan 30 11, 8:02 AM
roxymary star
Another thing (Australia is developing an English language of its own).

Widely mispronounced is "camaraderie". I would say 90% of the time it is pronounced "comeraderie". Hearse has become hurst . . . .

Simple words like known, shown etc . .are knowen and showen...

paddocks and stomach . . . .paddicks and stomich.....

Highly flipping aggravating I must say!

Reply #225. Jan 30 11, 8:09 AM

player avatar
I don't get the use of "are" in sports too, just like the examples you listed, Roxy.

Reply #226. Feb 03 11, 2:43 AM
Lochalsh star
I've recently seen several constructions like this one: "She's and Tom's new baby...." Yikes. Just yikes.

Reply #227. May 05 11, 12:22 PM
gillimalta star
I recently fired off an appalled email to Cadbury (the chocolate people) At Easter I bought my son a Chocolate Buttons egg which had a charming story about pigs on the box. Charming, that is, until I noticed that 'Pigs' was written Pig's for no apparent reason. Boy, did that make my blood boil! They aknowledged my email and promised to get back to me in 5 days...still waiting!

Reply #228. May 05 11, 12:52 PM
Lochalsh star
The inappropriate use of the comma really gets to me. When referring to Gilli and David, one should write "The Bowies," not "The Bowie's." :)

Reply #229. May 05 11, 1:04 PM
gillimalta star
Yes, I find it highly annoying when our mail is wrongly addressed! ;)

Reply #230. May 05 11, 1:34 PM
Lochalsh star
I suppose the writer is dazzled by your "relative" fame when that happens! :)

Reply #231. May 05 11, 1:53 PM
Mine would be the misuse of YOUR and YOU'RE.

Reply #232. May 05 11, 2:52 PM
I used to get electioneering correspondence addressed to Mrs. As Jonathan approached voting age, the correspondence started to be addressed to Mr and Mrs. Nothing to do with grammar: just sloppy admin resulting in an avoidable irritation.

One more: the use of "who's" as a possessive. Grating. Not in the same league as "she's" though. That's got to be unbeatable. Or, should I say, the very best?

Reply #233. May 05 11, 4:07 PM
Lochalsh star
A couple of other constructions that bother me:

Myself and Wolfgang are going to the park.

He sent the package to Johann and myself.

Yikes, yikes, and yikes again! No more inappropriate uses of the reflexive! :)

Reply #234. May 05 11, 5:52 PM
tezza1551 star

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I really hate it.. and it's probably more lazy or poor spelling, rather than grammar.. when people confuse "their" and "there", or refer to one of my former rams (wether) when they want to talk about the meteorological conditions (weather)!
And as for apostrophes finding their way into all sorts of places they were never meant to be.. grrrrr.

Reply #235. May 05 11, 6:07 PM
Lochalsh star
They confuse "their," "there," AND "they're"! So many people spend so much time on the internet, and they see all these solecisms and must think they're all right--either that, or they just don't care. I think it's the latter!

I care: I want to understand and be understood.

Reply #236. May 05 11, 6:32 PM
turbotude star

player avatar
English, as we learn in school,
has exceptions to the rule.

We may believe we're on the ball.
We've absolutely 'learnt it all'.

So, how about sink, sank and sunk
Like, y'know, think, thank and thunk!

(I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist having a bit of fun!)

Reply #237. May 06 11, 11:52 AM
Lochalsh star
So what's wrong with a little fun? :) Glad you're here!

Reply #238. May 06 11, 12:23 PM
Lochalsh star
Orthography is certainly a part of grammar, and here are a couple of nice poems on spelling:

I hope you like them! :)

Reply #239. May 06 11, 12:28 PM
turbotude star

player avatar
The poems were most entertaining! Thanks for posting them, Lochalsh!

Reply #240. May 08 11, 3:03 PM

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