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Subject: Houseplants

Posted by: tigasrule
Date: Mar 23 11

Do you have houseplants at home? If so, what kind? And what do you like about them?

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HairyBear star

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I do okay, not great. I have a devil's ivy that must be quite old, I "inherited" it from my grandmother and that was 25 years ago; a sanseverria from the same provenance; a gardenia and a calla lily, neither of which I can get to bloom again, but which continue to live if not exactly thrive. Other things I can't keep going for more than a few weeks. I am especially toxic to African violets.

Reply #21. Nov 25 14, 12:35 AM
Mommakat star

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Years ago I had a lot of them, however now with 6 cats in the house it is not a good idea as apart from wrecking the plant, the cats seem to think the pots are extra litter trays.....LOL

Reply #22. Nov 25 14, 7:31 AM
rayven80 star

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I've never had any houseplants. I am currently trying to grow ginger in the house. Maybe I should have started with a more forgiving plant.

Reply #23. Nov 25 14, 3:37 PM
wyambezi star

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I'm great with outdoor plants, not so much with indoor. I've even killed cacti. I think our house tends to be too warm or too cold for them. Also like Mommakat, we have 3 cats who can't be trusted around live plants. The only way I can have them is if they're small enough to fit on a high shelf, too high for a cat to jump. I have a lot of fake plants in attractive containers/baskets that look very alive and healthy. :)

Reply #24. Jan 06 15, 2:07 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I have an Aspidistra plant that I've had since 1978. It's survived because it tolerates neglect. It does not need much light. It does not like over-watering (leave the soil to dry out before watering) and it actually likes being pot-bound. I made the mistake of putting it in too large a pot initially, so for years it only produced a few leaves. As soon as it was pot-bound its leaf production took off.

Reply #25. Aug 04 15, 3:03 PM
Mixamatosis star

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P.S It does like to have its leaves sponged or sprayed with water occasionally.

Reply #26. Aug 04 15, 3:06 PM
Jakeroo star

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I have 18 different orchids. They can stand neglect, unless they get mealy bugs In that case, you're in big trouble lol. I also have two hisbiscus, one gardenia, five cactus, one fig leaf ficus (30 years old now), bird of paridise (same age as the ficus), a hoya (great plant for people who have little light and forget to water lol) that is taking over my hall entryway and a whole bunch of succulents and herbs (which I harvest from my window sills all year long). Tip? Grow your own stevia and dry/grind the leaves. Stevia from a health store is ridiculously expensive for no apparent reason.

Reply #27. Aug 29 15, 8:39 PM

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