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Subject: They Exist; I've Seen Them

Posted by: HannahConner88
Date: Sep 06 11

Which would you rather meet, and thereby know actually exist: Alien, Big Foot, Ghost, Loch Ness Monster, or a Vampire?


...and share the reason if you'd like; I think it'd be interesting to hear!!

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brm50diboll star

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I would pick aliens. It is interesting to me that people who have claimed to have encountered aliens are not scientifically or technically literate. If I, as someone who is scientifically inclined, were to encounter an alien, I would quiz the alien on technology beyond our level. This would have two benefits: it would provide objective evidence that aliens exist, and it would accelerate our technological capacity. Don't think it'll happen, though. Don't believe aliens have visited earth.

Reply #41. Nov 10 13, 12:40 PM
Definitely Nessie. I remember once there was a TV show on (can't remember the name) and in one particular episode, the host was sitting in a boat in the middle of Loch Ness. Of course, I wasn't paying much attention to the host. Why? I was too busy watching behind him just in case Nessie showed up!

Reply #42. Feb 04 14, 7:23 PM
Mommakat star

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I can assure you I am in full possession of all my marbles, at least they were there when I last counted...LOL
But we have actually lived with a ghost in the house. I can't explain it. She just appeared a few times and we kept quiet about it in case people thought we were nuts. However when we put the house up for sale, the house agent had a couple of experiences with our "ghost" and we had to confess to her what was happening. She opened our house for public inspection one Sunday and was comfortably seated in the living room when she became aware she was not alone. She caught a glimpse of "our old lady" going up the hallway and disappearing into the bedroom. Thinking it was a member of the public come to "inspect" she followed her only to find no one was there. We have no idea who the old dear was but she was harmless and gave us no grief. Incidentally she did not follow us to the next home so we can only assume she had connections with the previous home.

Reply #43. Feb 04 14, 7:55 PM
Very interesting, MommaKat! I've had some paranormal experiences myself, some were very frightening!

Reply #44. Feb 04 14, 11:11 PM
queenofquizzes star

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I would like to see a vampire, them seem so strange with their love of blood.

Reply #45. Apr 03 14, 1:57 PM
scorpion1960 star

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Well, I am Nessie :) Real name Vanessa. Aliens would be my choice. Let's just hope they are nice.

Reply #46. Apr 18 14, 1:50 AM
Chavs star

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I don't believe in ghosts, so I would like to meet one. I say I don't believe but I've experienced some unexplained activity, as have all the family, we called him Tim. You can't see him but you can hear him. He runs down stairs, and he tramps down the side lane too, sometimes coming in the back door. He comes in front door too, and sometime stands just outside the sitting room door which is very spooky. We've all experienced it.

Most weird was when we got a new front door and he came in over and over again for a week or so. The same happened when we got a new stair carpet - he kept running down the stairs for the first week. Most of the time it has always been comforting just to say 'it's Tim' and a bit of a joke when we know it has been sounds of the wind etc.

But sometimes, especially very late at night, footsteps running down the stairs and stopping right outside your door..waiting... agh, spooky! So I would love to meet him.

Reply #47. Apr 18 14, 4:19 AM
Chavs star

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Unlike Mommakat, though, I am not sure how many marbles I have.

Reply #48. Apr 18 14, 4:20 AM
Tony_TV_King star

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The Lochness Monster. The rest of them would probably try to kill me.

Reply #49. Aug 02 14, 9:57 PM

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None of the above. I'd like to maintain at least the semblance of sanity if not the actuality. That said, ghosts are the one thing I'm not absolutely sure about. When a dog runs in and stands behind you, frightened to death, and growls at someone who isn't there, the hair on the back of your neck can certainly stand up in alarm.

Reply #50. May 28 15, 12:20 AM
A ghost. My grandma died of cancer when i was 10. I am now 14 and miss her more than you believe. I believe in Christianity, and so did she, so i know she's in heaven.... but it would be nice to see her again, just so i could say goodbye.

Reply #51. May 29 15, 5:12 PM
C30 star

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In or around 1985, I moved into a Maisonette. I was never "easy" there, it always seemed to have an unfriendly (if not downright hostile) atmosphere. One night, around 2 in the morning I heard shuffling thumps like an elderly person going down the stairs.
Nothing was ever seen, but this sound became quite a frequent event.

A work colleague said that he was sure that someone had been murdered in one of those maisonettes, sometime mid 1960's but didn't know which one. I think I could make an educated guess at to which! I was not sorry to move from there in 1994.

Reply #52. Jun 24 15, 8:40 AM
Creedy star

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A Vulcan or a Klingon :)

A cross between those two would have an identity crisis and a half.

Reply #53. Jan 14 16, 6:38 AM

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