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Subject: Retail influences.

Posted by: s-m-w
Date: Sep 12 11

Are the big supermarket chains ruining our way of life?

Following the blog conversation about Tesco and other big players on the high street on Lesley's page I wondered what people really think of these mega companies. The good points, the bad points, the good/ bad/or just plain ugly of retail. We all shop; we all have an opinion and have our own favourite or despised stores. Perhaps together we can shed light on why and how retail influences our buying habits.

86 replies. On page 5 of 5 pages. 1 2 3 4 5
So,just what has happened since the last post?

Supermarkets are struggling to hold on to market shares.
Discount stores are booming.
Internet sales are due to outstrip bricks and mortar stores within the next few years.
The high street is being transformed into living space.
People demand 24\7 accessibility and same day delivery.
The consumer knows their rights, and have changed retail because of it.

How have your shopping habits changed in the years since this thread started?

Reply #81. Dec 26 15, 3:25 PM
Mommakat star

player avatar
My shopping habits have not changed. I prefer the bricks and mortar stores to electronically controlled transactions. I think the prophesy is misguided as they are still building more and more supermarkets and retail outlets where I live. Currently there is a massive one being built about 3 miles from my home due to be opened in a matter of months.

Reply #82. Dec 26 15, 5:35 PM
supersal1 star
I don't buy a lot of christmas presents, but I think this year was the first year when I didn't go to the shops at all for presents, I did every bit of it online.

I still did my food shopping in the supermarket. It doesn't matter what you order, something is always unavailable from the delivery and you then have to do the last minute dash to the heaving shops anyway.

When I started my job some 18 years ago, working Christmas day was voluntary. Triple pay and taxis provided if necessary. Now it's only voluntary provided they get enough volunteers. No taxis, so those without cars have to pay for their own taxi to and from work, which more than takes care of the extra pay.

Also looking back on the thread, so many well-remembered names that we don't see any more. Cym, Oatmeal, and whatever happened to Daymare? They used to post so regularly.

Nice to see you Steve, I though you'd be working today, or have you retired now? I hope your OH is well.

Reply #83. Dec 26 15, 6:05 PM
Almost exactly a year ago I made a presentation to district town planners about the projected near future of retail and its effect on the area. The reasoning was to underpin the AAP (area action plan) for investment and development for the next 20 years.
To keep a long report short, it reflected the rise of discounters, the flight from the "big four" and their change to smaller floor space and/or boutique in store letting. The relevance of online purchasing which would see a requisition change and an aggressive strengthening of land portfolios, thus underpinning future development of profit structures.
Yes,there are still some supermarkets being built but not on previous scales. There is still short term profit to be made by such investments but only with online coupling.

Unfortunately I was proved correct and 6 months later Asda withdrew from a local planning project.

People say that our shopping habits have changed, and that retail needs to move with this change!
50% of that is correct. The future is dependent on the mood of the shopper, they have more power than they realise. If the high street dies it will be because customers turned their back on it!

Hi Sal, good to see you again. Barbara is very well,and we are both busy and happy. Yes, I was (as usual) working all over Christmas the targeted 3 million per day over the 10 days from Boxing day needs all hands on deck.
Am now in local politics and active in that outside of my usual 60 hr week, so retirement is not an option.

Hope you are well ?

Hugs Steve x

Reply #84. Dec 27 15, 12:42 PM
rosifer star

player avatar
My shopping habits have changed simply because I am now disabled. Although I can have problems with my weekly grocery shop, some of their substitutions are unbelievable, for the rest of my shopping I am more than happy with the internet.

Reply #85. Jan 13 16, 11:07 AM
daver852 star

player avatar
I think it's always a good thing to have more options.

Reply #86. Jan 13 16, 12:49 PM

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