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Subject: Gardens?

Posted by: houston1127
Date: Jun 17 12

Anybody growing anything this year? I'm growing varous peppers, an array of tomatoes, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, radishes, carrots, kohlrabi, spinach, swiss chard, bush beans, beets, onions, and different herbs. What are you growing this year?

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If only all things planted could be so easy to grow!

Reply #101. Sep 10 18, 11:05 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Sadly I've found that the easiest things to grow are weeds.

Reply #102. Oct 03 18, 5:03 PM
Mixamatosis star

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I've started planting onions and garlic for over-wintering in my allotment.

Reply #103. Oct 16 18, 1:26 PM
Sounds like you've got some good flavor waiting for you when the time comes!

Reply #104. Oct 17 18, 9:58 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I hope so. It's always a bit hit and miss. Some years things work and some they don't. I think it's due to weather variations which we get a lot in the UK.

Reply #105. Oct 19 18, 11:31 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I brought 6lb of potatoes back from our allotment yesterday. One single potato weighed 1lb 5oz or 600 grams - the biggest single potato I've ever produced.

Reply #106. Oct 21 18, 1:23 AM
C30 star

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Growing your own vegetables is rewarding...........usually........if you happen to live in an area with reasonably fertile soil. :(

The nickname of the local soccer team here is "The Sandgrounders".....which is apt, as a few inches under what little topsoil prevails - is sand! Not much grows in sand! Except weeds which seem to thrive in anything.

Even so........this year..........carrots & peas and potatoes, passable yields. Runner Bean - abysmal.....caught some disease or other, that resulted in what few beans produced either shriveled up and died, or were covered in black spots.
Covered Cauliflowers Brussel Sprouts with netting to deter cabbage white butterflies...needn't have bothered, something else ate all the leaves and they shriveled up and died too.

Originating as I do from arguably the most fertile crop growing area of UK (East Anglia), I do find trying to grow crops up here an "interesting" succeed I suspect I would need to take out a second mortgage to cover cost of enough fertiliser to make any difference.

Reply #107. Oct 21 18, 2:30 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Sorry to hear that C30. Often sand provides good drainage and provided there's not too much of it some crops like it - beetroot for instance. Where I live the soil is heavy clay and people have to work hard at improving it every year to get some good fertile soil over time. I planted a lot of potatoes this year - usually they are easy to grow and having got the last ones up today, we got 72lb in total.

Reply #108. Oct 23 18, 10:00 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Lots of leaves fell in the last few days and my husband bagged quite a lot,ready to rot down as mulch for the allotment next year.

Reply #109. Oct 30 18, 10:10 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Tonight we'll make pumpkin soup from the one pumpkin I was able to grow. There should be enough to last us through Halloween.

Reply #110. Oct 30 18, 10:11 AM
rayven80 star

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We didn't have much of a garden this year. I'm planning on giving it some serious effort next year.

Reply #111. Nov 13 18, 1:21 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Good luck Rayven.

I think I've accidentally discovered why my onions didn't grow well this year. We got hardly any and nothing of any useful size. I grew them from sets not seeds. Apparently the soil should be kept watered to a depth of about 6 inches. As onion roots are shallow, frequent watering at a surface level won't do enough to grow them, and it was extremely hot this year for long periods.

We're growing some over Winter varieties now to give them a good start. That has worked in the past but we didn't do it last year. The white onions are growing well now but the reds don't appear to be showing or growing. I've never done well with reds but my husband bought them because he likes them so I've tried to give them a chance.

Reply #112. Nov 13 18, 6:46 AM
Well, good luck!
Sounds like you may have solved your onion mystery... good on you.

Reply #113. Nov 13 18, 12:05 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Thank you, Skyflyerjen. I'd really like to hear about other people's growing experiences if they would care to share them on this thread.

Reply #114. Nov 13 18, 12:30 PM
Mixamatosis star

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A friend of mine planted broad beans on his allotment and yesterday he noticed that every one had been dug up and eaten by mice and he was just left with rows of empty holes. At least he thinks it was mice. I'm wondering if it was squirrels that did it. He grew a nice plot of strawberries last year and the squrrels are such a nuisance. They didn't steal the strawberries but they took a bites out of every one, which ruined them for eating.

Reply #115. Mar 31 19, 7:39 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I'm only managing to get to my allotment to plant potatoes on the odd sunny day now. Sunny days seem to be followed by several cold and wet ones.

Reply #116. Apr 03 19, 2:13 AM
This time of year is tricky, for sure. My sisters have little buds growing all over and I'm so worried for them, I hope we don't get another chill!

Reply #117. Apr 04 19, 11:04 AM
I bought four cherry tomato plants yesterday, unfortunately whilst planting them up in a pot one of the tops broke off. Does the plant have a chance of recovery or will I need to replace it?

Reply #118. Apr 25 19, 6:34 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Mabel, normally with tomatoes, you pinch out the side shoots to allow the main plant to grow more vigorously and crop better. As you have lost the top, you could try letting some of the side shoots grow instead to compensate. By side shoots I mean the shoots that grow between the main stem of the plant and the leaves growing from the sides of the stem. They look like shoots coming out of the armpits of the plant. You may not see them until the plant is a bit bigger.

Reply #119. Apr 26 19, 1:21 PM
Mixamatosis star

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I would also advise giving each plant its own pot, once it is an inch or 2 high. I'm not sure if that's what you did from your description.

Reply #120. Apr 26 19, 1:23 PM

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