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Subject: When Family Members Die

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Aug 18 13

My half brother just passed away a few days ago. We were never close but he is still my brother & I'm feeling a loss. So many of my family members are gone now. My grandparents, my parents, 2 half brothers, aunts, uncles.(May they all rest in peace!) It's unreal! Death comes for us all, it's an unavoidable fact of life but it still hurts when our loved ones are taken from us. Have any of you ever lost a loved one? This thread is to remember them by so please discuss it here! :)

32 replies. On page 2 of 2 pages. 1 2
I meant to say her birthday is today, she would be 90 today, bless her, she almost made it. :*(

Reply #21. Sep 04 14, 1:23 AM
It's very sad to lose a loved one. Over the past 11 years, my family's lost 4. I was 19 when my dad died of cancer in October 2003. In March 2009, I said goodbye to my 14-year-old cat, Chloe, & three months later my Gran died. Finally, just after my birthday in February 2011, my 15-year-old dog, Hazel, passed away.

Reply #22. Sep 12 14, 8:43 PM
blindcat78 star

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My mom just past away on August 24 of this year. We were very close. My mom wasn't only my mom, but my room mate & best friend! The comfort I get this that I know she is in heaven & no longer in pain!

Reply #23. Sep 21 14, 4:29 PM
Mommakat star

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Please accept my heartfelt sympathy Blind Cat. I know only too well your situation at this time.

Reply #24. Sep 21 14, 5:10 PM
Jakeroo star

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When you are my age, unfortunately, the most times distant families get together is for funerals, rather than weddings and things like christenings, etc.

Even if you're not "close", there is still that "familial tie", so I understand the sense of loss. I lost my sister and my paternal grandfather, within the same week, when I was just under the age of 4. I am sure my family tried to 'shelter' me as well as they could, but my father was only 25 at the time. Imagine what he must have gone through.

Since then I have have lost all my other grandparents, my father and my husband's father. It's not an easy thing and I don't wish any of it on anyone, no matter how far removed you might "think" you are from your family.


Reply #25. Oct 05 14, 4:05 PM
My last surviving half brother passed away yesterday. Almost all of my family members are dead now. It really stopped me in my tracks & made me realize just how fleeting & delicate life really is. This also made me face the fact that I'm getting old & will be facing my own death someday. May all of my family members who have passed on rest in eternal peace. :(

Reply #26. Mar 10 15, 5:47 PM
daver852 star

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So sorry for your loss. I hope I die before the other members of my family.

Reply #27. Mar 10 15, 6:28 PM
postcards2go star

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My sympathies are with you, callie_ross.

Reply #28. Mar 10 15, 6:50 PM
Mommakat star

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Please know you have my heartfelt sympathy Callie Ross. As you are aware I have been there and know the pain and loss.

Reply #29. Mar 10 15, 7:20 PM
Last June were told that my mother-in-law had an inoperable brain tumour. Three days later my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimers. My mother in law died in September and is now at peace. The shell of my mother is still alive, her only comfort her baby doll as she no longer knows her family. Sometimes death does not seem the worse that can happen.

Reply #30. May 28 15, 11:44 AM
I agree. My grandma died of cancer when i was about 10 or 11. She was the greatest grandma, heck, she built me and my siblings a pirate ship in her backyard! But when she took chemo, she was in alot of pain. It is very sad when a loved one dies, and when she died i felt like it was unfair, like she should've lived longer. I am now 14, and i realize how hard chemo must have been. Even though it's sad, i'm glad she passed so she didn't have to deal with the pain anymore. She's in heaven now, and i look forward to the day we naturally meet again.

Reply #31. May 29 15, 6:45 PM
One of my first cousins passed away on June 13th. He was born with a hole in his heart so he had heart problems his entire life. He died of a massive heart attack. Went to his wake a few hours ago. It was a sad occasion but I got to see family members there that I haven't seen in years.

Reply #32. Jun 26 15, 6:13 PM

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