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Subject: Ever had a remonition?

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Apr 17 15

Here are a few scary premonitions I recently heard about:

1. Cathy Lawton and her husband were planning a holiday to China. Cathy was nervous about the trip, so much so that a friend bought her a set of Worry Dolls. She and her husband eventually boarded the now missing MH Flight 370.

2. 11-year-old Miguel Panduwinata and his older brother were going on a holiday to Bali to visit their grandmother. In the days leading up to the trip, Miguel began asking lots of questions about death, wanting to know what happened to peoples' souls when they died. His mother thought this was unusual but told him there was nothing to worry about. So Miguel and his brother boarded MH Flight 17. The plane was later shot down over the Ukraine. No-one on board survived.

3. In late October 1966, 10-year-old Eryl Mai Jones told her mother she'd had a dream about her school being destroyed by a landslide. Two days later, Eryl and 115 of her classmates died when a coal slag heap demolished their Primary School in Aberfan, Wales.

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