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Subject: New Quiz Format: Fun Fill-It!

Posted by: Terry
Date: May 01 23

In this format you enter a passage of text and mark in [parentheses] words that the player needs to place into the text.

This should open up a whole new range of creative possibilities, from filling in lyrics and historical documents, to creating textual murder mysteries and other interesting extensions of this.


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Ilona_Ritter star

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Oh one more question, since I own my own material that I wrote, from my books, could I use stuff from that if I wanted, more so the poems than the prose that is.

Reply #21. May 02 23, 6:02 AM
Head Honcho

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Clues: you can structure the text however you wish. It may make sense to add clues in the "instructions" section of the template, which appear above the paragraphs.

Own work: absolutely. You may always use anything you have written, as long as you give FunTrivia the obvious consent to use it!

Reply #22. May 02 23, 10:51 AM
Head Honcho

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Fun Fill-Its are now open to all authors.

NOTE: We are going to be pretty picky on these, because they are very easy to make. It is NOT ok to copy and paste a copyright work, add in some parentheses and call it a day. Even my original example isn't precisely what we are going for, but an occasional submission like it is okay.

What we are really looking for are original, creative uses. There are sooo many interesting things that can be done, and many no one has even thought of yet. I encourage you to use the time you save in the simplicy of creation to be creative and interesting.

AND: Please don't spam submit these. One at a time. Space them out. One a week max. It will be easy to go overboard with these because they are pretty easy to make.

Reply #23. May 02 23, 10:56 AM

player avatar
I have a good idea with this format for an adopted vocabulary quiz I'm working on.

Reply #24. May 02 23, 11:25 AM

player avatar
I submitted it for review and hope that it fits Terry's criteria to be creative!

Reply #25. May 02 23, 12:07 PM

player avatar
So, Terry, you are OK with the editors saying "I'm sorry, this just isn't a good use of this format, just make this one a match quiz instead" for example?

Reply #26. May 02 23, 4:59 PM
Head Honcho

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agony : sure. I’d hope that authors would check ideas with Eds first before they started to prevent having to redo stuff later.

Reply #27. May 03 23, 9:46 AM
Ilona_Ritter star

player avatar
Oops I didn’tsp that as I wrote my own story. However it won't let me submit it says questions 2-9 are missing and there is only one. I sent a message to children’s editor Mother Goose because I do not know what to do. But I enjoyed making it.

It said 20 blanks.are allowed’s I only.did ten.

Reply #28. May 03 23, 2:33 PM

player avatar
Ilona_ritter, I just went to have a look at your quiz to see if I could spot anything, and checked it in the new editor to see what it looked like. When I hit the submit button to try and replicate your problem, it submitted. I hope you were ready to have it submitted - if not, you can always take it back offline.

Your problem sounds like one I had in an earlier quiz when I changed format after the original template was set up. It was looking for something that wasn't there. Leaving the editing session and returning sorted it out.

Reply #29. May 03 23, 6:51 PM
Lottie1001 star

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I've had an idea for a quiz milling round in my head for some time now, and I think this format is just right for it, so I've actually written it and submitted it.

Reply #30. May 04 23, 12:24 PM

player avatar
In regard to the one I have submitted now, I actually (please don't freak out) adopted it in February, wrote it up, but I was thinking it was a little boring and straightforward, so I decided to wait some time and see if I could really make it better somehow. This new format is perfect for the concept! Thank you, Terry!

Reply #31. May 04 23, 12:31 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Superb idea! From time to time I have wondered vaguely about using my own stories and poems, but there hasn't been a way to do it.

And, oh! This new format will be perfect for one of my older quizzes that the system wants me to revamp.

Thank you, Terry! Only, would you please take a break from innovation? I'm running faster and faster and keep falling further and further behind.

Reply #32. May 04 23, 1:12 PM

player avatar
What do you think of this?


Reply #33. May 04 23, 10:54 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Nicely done, Val.

Reply #34. May 05 23, 9:02 PM

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