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Subject: Commercial that you hate the most

Posted by: GuruOfTrivia
Date: Jun 16 10

Not that I want to make you think about it, but which one is it?

116 replies. On page 6 of 6 pages. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Yes, drug commercials are very bad. With all the side effects listed you might be better off sick as as scorpion67 said. On the lighter side my two favorites have to be for anti-depressants and cialis. The former states may cause impotence. Hell, if you weren't depressed before you will be after that. And Cialis -if you experience an erection lasting more than 4 hours call your doctor. Heck, at my age I'm calling everyone I know.

Reply #101. Apr 09 17, 1:44 PM
supersal1 star
Where's the 'like' button when you need it?

Reply #102. Apr 09 17, 1:59 PM
SisterSeagull star

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The series of emasculating adverts made by 'Money Supermarket'. I made a vow, a long time ago, to never use their services.

Reply #103. Apr 09 17, 2:32 PM
MissCirrus star

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Those NatWest poetry adverts drive me up the wall. They are so cringe worthy!


Reply #104. Apr 09 17, 6:44 PM
MiraJane star

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Before the ED ads started giving the warning of a possible four hour erection, it happened some guy. Being an American, he sued the drug company and won. As soon as the verdict was announced that he had won, he said he didn't want the award. All he wanted was the permanent record stating that yes, he had an erection for four hours.

Reply #105. Apr 09 17, 8:19 PM
sadwings star

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I don't care for the commercials that claim second hand smoke kills animals. I love animals dearly and would never dream of harming one, but I had a cat who lived with me for 17 years and breathed my second hand smoke for every single day of those 17 years.

The last time I was at a vet's office, there was a sign on the wall that said the average life span of an outdoor cat was 4 years. Seemed a little low to me but I didn't make and display the sign. Wouldn't make much sense for a vet's office to pull a random number out of the air and slap it on the wall. So my cat's 17 years would be 4 times the average lifespan. That would be the equivalent of a human being breathing second hand smoke and living for 300 years. Someone clearly needs to do a little better research and stop gagging people with their prejudiced opinions.

Reply #106. May 17 17, 4:44 AM
jabb5076 star

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The dangers of second-hand smoke are hardly 'prejudiced opinions' but are supported by solid science. I don't see why smoke that affects people wouldn't also affect animals. Just because a one person (or animal) escapes the dire effects of smoke exposure doesn't mean the danger doesn't exist.

Reply #107. May 17 17, 4:30 PM
sadwings star

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It surely does seem awfully odd to me that an animal could breathe second hand smoke every day and live more than four times longer than its average life span if this stuff is so deadly. Maybe my cat just wasn't breathing it in the right way or something.

I'm not saying that breathing smoke into your lungs is good for a person or an animal and I'm sure that smoking kills people if they do it long enough, but so will everything else eventually. I have smoked for 40 years and there isn't the slightest trace of damage to my lungs from it. Had it tested last year. And that's first hand smoke, not second. It doesn't mean I won't die from it eventually if I keep doing it, but if I can smoke for 40 years without it doing anything to my lungs at all, how long does it really take second hand smoke to kill someone? A few months?

Anyone can take a thousand cases that fall into a nice tight category after they have swept ten thousand under the carpet, and they can present a tidy little "research package" for all the world to see. Who's going to challenge it if it isn't too terribly outlandish? Research results can be manipulated and fabricated all day long on virtually anything and everything. Didn't say they are, I said they can be. Until you throw on a lab coat and jump right in the middle of all those research scientists, you really don't know what's going on in those labs any more than anyone else. All you know is what you are told, and you can choose to believe what you want to believe.

Reply #108. May 18 17, 12:35 AM
SisterSeagull star

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And ANYTHING with Nicole Scherzinger in it!

Reply #109. May 18 17, 12:47 AM
Car ads that say nothing about the model's specs, or do it by simply name-dropping. Also, bank and insurance ads. No one looks that happy giving away their money.

Reply #110. Oct 19 17, 9:54 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Any adverts that interrupt my favourite TV programmes.

Reply #111. Oct 27 17, 5:24 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Sadwings, A cat's average lifespan is 4-5 years in the wild but indoors, it's anything from 13-17 years and some live to be 20 years old. Google it.

Reply #112. Oct 27 17, 5:26 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I take "in the wild" to mean that such a cat has no carer.

Reply #113. Oct 27 17, 5:28 AM
Those awful Money Supermarket ads, what they have to do with comparison sights beats me.

Reply #114. Dec 13 18, 6:10 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Because Money Supermarket is a comparison site?

Reply #115. Mar 22 19, 8:17 AM
Mixamatosis star

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There's an ad that comes on the internet for a Chinese Dance show called Shen Yun. It's loud, long and relentless with an irritating voiceover. I watched as much of it as I could tolerate once, in order to see how long it was, and at one point it seemed to finish but it was immediately followed by another ad for the same show. The only way to get rid of it temporarily is by pressing the skip button. It appears frequently and unpredictably when you are trying to watch some video and it seems to be the same ad that's appeared for a long time now.

Reply #116. Apr 15 19, 3:50 AM

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