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Subject: Best Movie You've Ever Watched

Posted by: gamerguy78
Date: Jun 27 12

What is your favorite movie. Mine is Halloween.

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MtnGuy1954 star

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The Longest Day (1962)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

Reply #21. Dec 03 17, 8:09 AM
imaguessin star

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THIS is why I hate award shows. I mean really.... how can you compare a comedy against a drama, against sic fi? It depends on the mood you are in. BUT... some of my favorites are:
Dangerous Liaisons
The Age of Innocence
The Passion
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1939)
The Adventures of Don Juan
The African Queen

Reply #22. Mar 27 18, 9:49 PM
sadwings star

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The Outlaw Josey Wales is my favorite film, but I wouldn't say it was the best movie I've ever seen. That would have to be Empire of the Ants with Joan Collins and Robert Lansing. That is the most remarkable film ever made since the dawn of mankind. NOT!

Actually, it just really isn't possible for me to come up with a best anything, but I can say the movie that moved and stirred my emotions more than any other would be The Elephant Man. Don't even know where to get started with that one. Think you have a lot of problems in your life? Take a look at that one and see if it doesn't make you rethink a few things.

Reply #23. Apr 05 18, 12:03 AM
C30 star

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Films, like books and art, are in the eye of the other words an individual thing, and merely down to "what grabs us".
So..............films that "grabbed me", irrespective of technical excellence, Oscar level acting, etc..........just liked them:-

The Cruel Sea
A Night to Remember
Cat Ballou
Calamity Jane
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Longest Day
The Final Countdown
The Battle of Britain

TV Miniseries:-

Lonesome Dove
The Time Ministry
Star Trek

Reply #24. Apr 05 18, 12:51 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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It would be easy for me to try and be all worthy and intellectual, but, honestly..? Most of my favourite movies are favourites because of the various associations I have with them, like who I was with when I first saw them, or how good a job they did at being the purest form of escapism that I perhaps needed at the time. So....

Jaws (only the first one, the rest were...insert your own expletive)
Stand By Me
The Lost Boys
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
The Fisher King
The Outsiders
Thelma And Louise
Flatliners (the original)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

At college, me and my friends used to dance on the bar to songs from Rocky Horror and The Blues Brothers, way before anyone had ever heard of Coyote Ugly!

Reply #25. Apr 05 18, 3:59 AM
terraorca star

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You're kind of a War Movie guy aren't you?
I kind of am as well.

Some of my faves are:
Enemy at the Gates
We Were Soldoiers
From Here to Eternity
Kingdom of Heaven
The Bridge on the River Kwai

other genres:
The Cincinnati Kid
12 Angry Men
Jeremiah Johnson
The Long Hot Summer

more later.

Reply #26. May 08 18, 11:14 PM
mpkitty star

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Our favorites are never ending, My favorite books have made favorite films, so along that line:
The Black Stallion
Gone with the Wind
I would like to say Black Beauty, there were several movies made of that book, but none of them did it justice, didn't follow the story, etc. Very disappointing.
Lassie Come home - to me a tearjerker at the school. No spoilers.
National Velvet

At least two of the movies I mentioned here starred Mickey Rooney, He was the most talented person to ever grace a movie, although some of them were sappy, He was a musical and dancing and acting etc., genious in the movies of the 30s. After he grew up he wasn't so cute anymore and although he was active to the end of his life, many had forgotten how talented he was,

I saw him on stage once in Sugar Babies, Ann Miller was to be there, too. But before it started Mickey Rooney came out in a scroungy old brown bathrobe, to tell us Ann Miller was ill and in the hospital , snd we could get our money back, of course no one did. The point was, Mickey in his old bathrobe was magical! I have never seen such a powerful stage presence and a drawing of the audience to him. I cannot explain the power he held, there are no words to express it.

Well I guess I got carried away, so I, to, shall return.

Reply #27. May 09 18, 10:45 PM
A Man For All Seasons
On The Waterfront

TV Miniseries
Lonesome Dove

Reply #28. Jun 24 19, 1:47 PM
ramonesrule star

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Little Miss Sunshine
Sound of Music
Dead Poet's Society

Reply #29. Sep 02 19, 6:15 PM

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