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Subject: The Grey

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Jul 08 12

I put off watching this movie because I had seen the excerpt and as wolves are my most favourite animal on the planet, I didn't want to see any more untruthful bad press about them. It was a great survival story and Liam Neeson was at his usual best. The cold was tangible and the cast and storyline were all very good. The massive alpha wolf was computer generated, which I was glad of but they storyline of the film was that because these men were in the wolves territory and near their den, they were out for revenge. The wolves didn't kill them, they just mutilated them instead and this was so far removed from wolves normal behaviour that as far as I'm concerned this has, yet again put back the unfair bad reputation of this stunningly beautiful, caring creature another ten years. Wolves will attack and kill humans if they are starving but they don't do revenge. Unfortunately there are still philistines out there that believe that wolves should be feared but the truth is that they are more afraid of us than we are of them. When will people realise this and stop making movies about the big bad wolf?

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TheRambler star

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Gosh, no one can be bothered to make a comment about a movie on the movies board. What's the point, I ask myself.

Reply #1. Jul 16 12, 8:45 AM
Even if they did do "do revenge" or other bizarre behavior, what business is it of ours to interfere or even make judgments? Wolves, like any other living thing, do what they have to to survive. They've been doing it for a long time.

Reply #2. Jul 19 12, 8:24 PM
I just watched this movie recently & I feel that the wolves were just doing what they are supposed to. Those humans invaded their territory (certainly not by choice!) so the wolves were just responding to the threat. They cannot be blamed for what they did. It's called instinct & survival.

Reply #3. Jul 20 12, 10:27 PM
Awful Movie, almost went to sleep

Reply #4. Apr 25 19, 2:32 AM

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