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Subject: Outlander or Cross Stitch

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Apr 06 15

Just watched the first series of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. All I can say is wow! Jamie is not as tall as in the books but he makes up for that with muscles and pecs to swoon over. He's gorgeous and so is Claire, who looks as though she just jumped off the cover of one of the books. The cast, the scenery and the authenticism are all fabulous and I can't wait for the series 2.
Being a Scot myself and having read all the books many years ago, this takes me back to how I couldn't put them down. Diana Gabaldon has captured the essence of the Scottish Highlands before the 1745 rebellion and also the post war situation in 1945.

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TheRambler star

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Gosh, no one can be bothered to reply. Oh well, I'll just keep the joy and excitement to myself regarding this brilliant tv series. I know that there are millions of Diana Gabaldon fans out there. C'mon let me hear you.

Reply #1. Apr 12 15, 7:38 AM
daver852 star

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I have watched the first six episodes. The best parts are when Claire takes a bath.

Reply #2. Apr 12 15, 1:09 PM
Blackdresss star

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I love Outlander. Can't wait for the new season -- Jamie and Claire in Paris. The clothes alone should be outstanding.

Reply #3. Jan 04 16, 10:17 AM

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I have read almost all of the books, but haven't watched the series. In my experience, if you've really enjoyed the book version of something, the film/tv version is going to be a disappointment.

Reply #4. Jun 01 16, 4:46 AM
TheRambler star

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Och well you're wrong there but seeing is believing.

Reply #5. Jun 11 16, 8:46 AM
rockstar51 star

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I loved Outlander.....until they went to Paris! No more Jamie in his kilt! And suddenly they're mad rich. And did I mention that there's no more Jamie in his kilt :(

Reply #6. Jan 27 17, 6:21 AM
Blackdresss star

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Have you read the books? Jamie and Claire in Paris doesn't last long. Fear not, he'll be back in his kilts, although other "costume" surprises are upcoming, so stay tuned.

For me, the casting is perfect. I know that's not true for fans of the books first, but I wouldn't change anyone.

"Outlander" is my favorite series.

Rambler, would you enlighten me? I don't understand you topic thread, "Outlander or Cross Stitch" -- what does it mean?

Reply #7. Feb 27 17, 12:18 AM
MarchHare007 star

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I was curious how the books would translate but they seem to have managed well. I'm enjoying the series so far.

Elle, Cross Stitch was the original name of the first book, then released as Outlander.

Reply #8. Feb 27 17, 3:27 AM
Blackdresss star

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Really, Stew? I had no idea! Thanks for that handy bit of trivia! Sometimes I bring out my cross-stitch to work on when I'm watching Outlander, but it's hard to concentrate well on both. Jamie and his kilts always wins.

Reply #9. Feb 27 17, 11:43 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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I'm an English woman married to a Scot, so since we've been watching Outlander, he's taken to calling me Sassenach. I don't mind one bit! We both love the show, it's fabulous. It has everything you could possibly want from a TV series; history, drama, humour, love and romance, strong manly men and even stronger women, beautiful scenery, horses, time travel, sex, violence and nudity.
Can't wait for the second season!

Reply #10. May 10 18, 8:11 AM
Blackdresss star

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I think we're heading into Season 4, Jo. We had Claire going through the standing stones, Jamie and Claire in Paris, Claire coming back through the stones before the Battle of Culloden, Claire going back after Frank died and she realized Jamie might still be alive, ending up in Jamaica? With a surprise reappearance by a former castmate.

Can we possibly be heading into Season 5?

I have it all recorded, but can't see it right now because I have a DVD in.

Is it possible you're behind based on where you live?

Reply #11. May 11 18, 7:20 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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Probably. We've only had one season! I thought they'd only been two, I can't believe I'm three seasons behind! :'(

Reply #12. May 11 18, 7:30 AM
Blackdresss star

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You should grab the books, Jo! I think there are 7 of them, and I think I'm on Book 5, if and when I find them again.

But I know both leads said they will continue to make this series as long as they let them, so I'm not worried about it ending any time soon.

And if you have anything like Netflix there, you can probably rent all the seasons out so far?

Reply #13. May 11 18, 8:13 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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We tried Netflix for a while but our signal is so bad here, it's infuriating. I managed to watch all of the first two seasons of 'Stranger Things' and a few movies before it got too irritating.

Reply #14. May 11 18, 4:20 PM
Blackdresss star

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I don't think I will even try Netflix without DVDs now. I think, like you, it will be too frustrating.

But it can go on my Cons list, which is adding up quickly.

Can you still order DVDs from Netflix, Jo? That would work for getting caught up in "Outlander," and everything else.

Reply #15. May 12 18, 1:52 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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No idea! I'm terrible with anything like that. I'll check it out. The more Jamie, the better!

Reply #16. May 14 18, 12:43 PM
Blackdresss star

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Jo, any luck getting caught up on Jamie and Claire?

I'm looking at my DVR right now, and I've got 3 seasons recorded, so we head into the 4th season in maybe December?

You're not that far behind! You can get all caught up before Season 4 starts! I'm just ahead in the books, or I was before I packed them all up.

So much happens in these episodes, it seems like they've been on longer than they have been. But 13 episodes a season is a lot!

Reply #17. Jun 12 18, 9:05 AM
Blackdresss star

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Jaime is on the cover of my most current "Entertainment Weekly" -- he's a keeper and so is this issue.

Season 4, Episode 2 is recording right now. Episode 1 was tragic.

Jo, you've got to get caught up! I *think* I'm one book beyond this season, but I've forgotten, and I can't find my books. If you can't figure out a way to rent the first three seasons, buy and read the books!

Reply #18. Nov 11 18, 7:51 PM

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