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Subject: Film Noir

Posted by: mpkitty
Date: Aug 08 15

One of my favorite genres - "dark movies", mostly from the 1940s and '50s.

One of the best is "D.O.A", (1950) starring Edmund O'Brien

Anyone else have one?

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terraorca star

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It is Memorial Day Weekend, therefore TCM is showing Classic War movies all weekend.

Reply #141. May 24 19, 12:44 AM
Memorycat65 star

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I'm officially FREE for the next 10 weeks!! I'm also exhausted and plan to spend the day doing nothing but playing FT with intermittent naps to recharge my brain cells. Next week I've got several doctor's appointments, and I'll keep you posted. I remember when I did have TCM, I would always watch the war movies on Memorial Day weekend. Some of my faves are "The Sands of Iwo Jima," "Bridge Over the River Kwai," "The Guns of Navaronne," and "Twelve O'Clock High." I'm also a sucker for anything with submarines and an alternative viewpoint - in particular, "Das Boot." I'm not by nature claustrophobic, but that movie always gets to me! What are you're favorite war flicks? I plan to spend some time this week playing catch up on some Noir movies and responding to some of the movies you mentioned in earlier posts. Let me know how it goes in summer school - time is so compressed and the work load is high, so it can be challenging! I know that you'll do well!

Reply #142. May 24 19, 7:08 AM
terraorca star

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Have you seen U-571, a sub movie.
Bridge Over the River Kwai is one of my faves, also, really anything with John Wayne
More excellent movies, Kingdom of Heaven, We Were Soldiers, Behind Enemy Lines, and Glory, all fit in that genre, although each a different conflict.
What did you think about Apocalypse Now?
What did you think about American Sniper?

Keep in touch, I am back in school in summer session, lots of reading

Reply #143. May 24 19, 12:06 PM
terraorca star

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How could I forget, Twelve O'Clock High is in my top five all time. Gregory Peck as General Savage is top notch. I particularly enjoyed Dean Jagger as Major Stovall.
I've probably seen the movie fifty times, or so it seems.
Have fun and relax, take care of yourself.

Reply #144. May 24 19, 12:13 PM
Mixamatosis star

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I also like the same war movies as you Anne and I like good cowboy movies. I also love Hitchcock movies (most of them anyway) and by strange co-incidence 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' was on TV yesterday. I imagine it was shown as a tribute to Doris Day.

Reply #145. May 29 19, 2:48 AM
terraorca star

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Thanks for stopping by Mix.

Reply #146. May 31 19, 1:36 AM
boxjaw star

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Has anyone viewed a film called "Die Brücke (The Bridge)"? Very good film from 1959.

Reply #147. May 31 19, 5:24 PM
terraorca star

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I have not, but I looked it up, and it looks interesting.
I will keep an eye out for it.

Reply #148. Jun 01 19, 12:19 AM
terraorca star

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Happy Fathers Day to all the FT Fathers.

Reply #149. Jun 16 19, 9:26 AM
terraorca star

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I haven't heard from you for awhile, is everything OK?
I have a big week this week, final exam this week. Thursday is the last day of class.


Reply #150. Jun 23 19, 6:35 PM
terraorca star

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Class is over for summer. I'm looking forward to conversations about Film Noir.

Reply #151. Jul 04 19, 6:52 PM
terraorca star

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Eddie Muller, the host of TCMs Noir Alley, gives a broad and lengthy definition of Film Noir. I'm not going to rule out any film based on content, style, or time frame, what I will do, is let the reader decide what film noir is, and isn't. Here is your guide:

Reply #152. Jul 25 19, 12:11 AM
terraorca star

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Noir Alley airs on TCM every Saturday at midnight and plays through the night, with pre and post movies commentary by Eddie Mullee.

Reply #153. Jul 25 19, 1:50 AM
terraorca star

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Muller not Mullee

Reply #154. Jul 26 19, 2:08 AM
Memorycat65 star

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Mark, sorry for my long absence - was in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks this summer with pneumonia. School started Monday and our 1st day with the kiddos was today. I'm not running on all cylinders just yet, but am trying to stay as rested as possible. I hope your summer classes went well. What are you taking this fall? All my good intentions for pigging out on Noir this summer fell to pieces. I hope by October to be able to get cable so that I can enjoy Eddie Muller on Saturday nights. What have you been watching lately? I've felt so bad this summer and my energy level was so low that I just kind of let my Fun Trivia schedule go by the wayside, but hope to get back in modified harness soon! Take it easy!


Reply #155. Aug 07 19, 4:34 PM
terraorca star

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I am so happy to see you back with us. I have missed you this summer. I only took one class this summer, that was 20th Century Graphic Novels, learned a lot, did well, had fun, what more can you ask?
Fall semester starts Aug. 26th. I'm taking a Capstone and a 390 level class this coming semester, only two classes, but heavy workload.
I've been watching Cincinnati Reds baseball most evenings.

Reply #156. Aug 08 19, 10:07 AM
terraorca star

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Get well, take as long as you need to get up to speed.

Reply #157. Aug 08 19, 10:08 AM
Memorycat65 star

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Thanks for your "thumbs up," Mark! I just posted on the "Free Association" thread and mentioned that 1945 classic "The Lost Weekend" with Ray Milland. Have any of you ever seen it? It's definitely got Noir elements, and it was the first mainstream flick to expose how alcoholism afflicts individuals and society. It also led to a lot of other "expose" films like Olivia de Havilland in "The Snake Pit" (The treatment of the mentally ill). Thoughts?


Reply #158. Aug 09 19, 4:22 PM
terraorca star

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Last night was Humphrey Bogart night on TCM. I watched "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre," "Dark Passage," and "The Caine Mutiny."

Reply #159. Aug 12 19, 6:27 AM
Blackdresss star

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I don't know how I clicked into Humphrey Bogart Night, but I did, and was transfixed by "The Caine Mutiny." So look at that, my potentially first full-length Film Noir movie.

I'm not crazy about old movies, and I'm not wild about black and white movies, but that was a great film.

I started to watch the one after it, with Lauren Bacall, but I flipped into something else. She's such a beauty, though.

This doesn't "go" with this thread, but have you ever seen the 2007 Canadian film "Away From Her" written and directed by Sarah Polley? It stars Julie Christie and Gordon Pinsent and is a heart-breaking film about Alzheimer's disease. That's the film I flipped into. Speaking of rare beauties, Julie Christie is just stunning in this film. She was 66 in 2007. And Sarah Polley, who also acts, was 28 when she wrote and directed this. It's an adaptation of the Alice Munro book, "The Bear Came Over The Mountain."


Reply #160. Aug 13 19, 9:35 AM

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