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Subject: Which wesen species are you?

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Sep 18 15

The T.V show "Grimm" is full of strange creatures called Wesen. Just took a few personality quizzes to find out which Wesen species I'd be and got different answers for each one. The first one said I'd be a Genio innocuo (a tortoise-like Wesen), the second said I'd be a Hexenbiest (a zombie-like Wesen) and the third said I'd be a Fuchsbau (a fox-like Wesen). If I had to choose out of these three, I'd prefer to be a Fuchsbau.

So, which Wesen species are you?

14 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
I admit that, if I had a choice of which Wesen species I'd most like to be, it's hard to choose just one. Here are my top 10 favourite Wesen species:

10. Lowen (resembles a Lion)

9. Balam (resembles a Jaguar)

8. Konigschlange (resembles a Cobra)

7. Klaustreich (resembles an Alley cat)

6. Steinadler (resembles a Hawk)

5. Scharfblicke (resembles an Owl)

4. Uhranuti (resembles a Falcon)

3. Fuchsbau (resembles a Fox)

2. Damonfeuer (resembles a Dragon, can breathe fire)

1. Mauvais Dentes (resembles a prehistoric Sabre-toothed cat)

Reply #1. Aug 20 17, 1:29 AM
Wesen species list:

Alpe (Nightmare creature)
Anubis (Jackal)
Apgadnieks (Husky)
Aswang (Ghoul)
Ataktos Fuse (Cicada)
Balam (Jaguar)
Barbatus Ossifrage (Bearded vulture)
Bauerschwein (Pig)
Blutbad (Wolf)
Coyotl (Coyote)
Cracher-Mortel (Puffer fish)
Cupiditas (Cupid)
Damonfeuer (Dragon)
Dickfellig (Rhinoceros)
Drang-Zorn (Badger)

Reply #2. Aug 25 17, 4:23 AM
Eisbiber (Beaver)
El Cucuy (Bogeyman)
El Cuegle (Monster)
Excandesco (Devil)
Folterseele (Frog)
Fuchsbau (Fox)
Fuchsteufelwild (Goblin)
Fulicre (Ox)
Furis Rubian (Horned toad)

Reply #3. Aug 25 17, 4:25 AM
Stupid me keeps pressing the reply button!!

Gedachtnis Esser (Octopus)
Geier (Vulture)
Gelumcaedus (Alligator)
Genio Innocuo (Tortoise)
Gevatta Tod (Assassin bug)
Gluhenvolk (Alien)
Hasenfussige Schnecke (Blob fish)
Hasslich (Troll)
Heftigoroch (Bull)
Hexenbiest (Zombie)
Hollentier (Hellhound)
Hundjager (Hound dog)
Huntha Lami Muuaji (Flatworm)
Indole Gentile (Doe)
Inigami (Ghost dog)
Jagerbar (Bear)
Jinnamuru Xunte (Fly)
Kackenkopf (Dung beetle)
Kitsune (Arctic fox)
Klaustreich (Alley cat)
Konigschlange (Cobra)
Koschie (Radioactive skeleton man)
Krampus (Anti-Santa)
Lausenschlange (Snake)
Lebensauger (Leech)
Lowen (Lion)
Luisant-Pecheur (Otter)
Luison (Wolf)
Malin Fatal (Boar)
Manticore (Half lion/half scorpion)
Matanca Zumbido (Electric eel)
Mauvais Dentes (Sabre-toothed cat)
Mauzhertz (Mouse)
Mellifer (Bee)
Murcielago (Bat)
Musai (Muse)
Musasat Alsh-Shabab (Scarab beetle)
Naiad (Mermaid)
Nuckelavee (Horse)
Pflichttreue (White panther)
Phansigar (Komodo dragon)
Quijada Vil (Gila monster)
Raub-Kondor (Condor)
Reinigen (Rat)
Schakal (Jackal)
Scharfblicke (Owl)
Schinderdiv (Warthog)
Seelengut (Sheep)
Seltenvogel (Canary)
Siegbarste (Ogre)
Skalengeck (Lizard)
Skalenzahne (Crocodile)
Spinnetod (Spider)
Stangebar (Porcupine)
Steinadler (Hawk)
Taureus-Armenta (Minotaur)
Taweret (Hippopotamus)
Uhranuti (Falcon)
Ungeziefer-Greifer (Weasel)
Varme Tyv (Snake)
Vibora Dorada (Snake)
Vulpesmyrca (Black fox)
Wasser Zahne (Aquatic reptile)
Wendigo (Cannibal)
Weten Ogen (Lynx)
Wettbewerbsgewinner (Half bird/half lizard)
Wildermann (Bigfoot)
Wildesheer (Wolf)
Willahara (Rabbit)
Yaguarate (Jaguar)
Zauberbiest (Zombie)
Ziegevolk (Goat)

Reply #4. Aug 25 17, 4:33 AM
Creedy star

player avatar
I've never heard of a wesen or a show called "Grimm". I thought you were talking about westerns when I first saw the name of this thread :)

Reply #5. Sep 07 17, 3:28 AM
I've written two quizzes on "Grimm". Please feel free to play them.

Reply #6. Sep 07 17, 4:00 AM
Creedy star

player avatar
Thank you, but probably not, as I've never seen the show.

Reply #7. Sep 07 17, 5:41 AM
I really enjoyed that show! Thanks for letting me know about your quizzes!
(By the way, I would want to be any wesen that could fly!)

Reply #8. Oct 06 17, 10:50 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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I love Grimm, I have a copy of Aunt Marie's Book of Lore which was a gift from a friend, and one of my dogs is named after the character 'Trubel'.
If I could be a Wesen, I guess I'd have to choose Blutbad, for the super-sense of smell if nothing else, since my own currently doesn't work!
However, if you were to ask my husband, I'm sure he'd tell you I'm a Hexenbiest ....

Reply #9. Apr 17 18, 8:01 AM
I finally convinced my sister to check it out! Re-watching the entire series! :D

Reply #10. Apr 17 18, 9:15 AM
Jo, I don't know if you'll see this, but I'm blown away by that info. I want to name an animal after Trubel, as she was my second-favorite on the show (after Nick). Trubel is amazing!

Reply #11. Nov 28 18, 12:12 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Trubel is awesome, I don't think they used her enough in the later episodes. Sassy gal! My Trubel is a stubborn, sassy, adventurous Beagle, so it suits her perfectly.
When Juliet destroyed Aunt Marie's trailer, I nearly cried! I think my favourite characters are Munroe and Rosalie, they'd be the best friends in the world to have!

Reply #12. Nov 30 18, 3:46 PM
Oh, boy... that was the turning point for me, the straw that broke the camel's back for Juliet, when she destroyed the trailer. I couldn't forgive that.
That's precious that your beagle fits Trubel's name so well! Makes me want to name a future pet after her too.
Monroe and Rosalie would be such great friends to have in real life! They're so smart, kind, and loyal.

Reply #13. Dec 03 18, 3:32 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I know! That trailer was beyond awesome, imagine owning a place like that. All that history, up in smoke. Rosalie's spice shop is pretty cool, too. Although stuff in there gets wrecked pretty often too, lol.

Reply #14. Dec 04 18, 5:15 AM

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