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Subject: TV Shows You Stopped Watching

Posted by: HairyBear
Date: May 01 16

What are some shows that you watched for a while and then quit watching, and at what point and why?

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HairyBear star

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For example, I quit watching Bones a couple years ago because it quit being funny. I quit watching Grimm this season after that horribly grim ending to last season, and the first couple of new episodes didn't seem promising to be any less dark.

Reply #1. May 01 16, 2:24 AM

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I watched EastEnders for a few years, but found it too depressing and gave it up. My sister watches it still and I occasionally see an episode when I visit her. It still seems to have the same characters/actors/plot lines as when I gave up, so I have no feeling of missing anything.

Reply #2. May 01 16, 2:47 AM
supersal1 star
I don't make the same effort to watch 'The Big Bang Theory' as I once did, I feel they're struggling with plotlines now, they should have wrapped it up a couple of seasons ago. 'Modern Family' is going the same way.

I go through phases with reality TV. I wouldn't miss an episode of 'Come Dine With Me' at one point, don't watch it now.

Reply #3. May 01 16, 11:46 AM
nasty_liar star

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Funny you mention Bones as I also quit that.

Simpsons and Scrubs are a couple of others.

Reply #4. May 01 16, 1:53 PM
jolana star

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The Bridge - a Scandinavian crime drama television series. Too complicated and Saga Norén, the main protagonist were the two main reasons why I stopped watching it.

Reply #5. May 01 16, 5:07 PM
wmd star
I stopped watching Two and a Half Men because it got EXTREMELY stupid!

Reply #6. May 01 16, 7:39 PM
rockinsteve star

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You got THAT right! I actually watched Two and a Half Man just once. It was SO stupid I never watched it again!

Reply #7. May 01 16, 7:47 PM
rockinsteve star

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Make that Two and a Half MEN, not MAN! Anyway, MAN oh MAN, what a dumb show!

Reply #8. May 01 16, 7:48 PM
Aww, I'm sorry to hear you gave up on Grimm. I think it's a great show, one that I think is so unique.
I tried watching The Real Somethings (O'Malley's?), gave it two episodes, and gave up after not even laughing once.

Reply #9. May 07 16, 7:37 AM
HairyBear star

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I agree on its uniqueness, Jen, and I really enjoyed it the first few seasons, but killing Nick's mother & girlfriend and hooking him up with Adelind? Too much. And I'm not a fan of Trubl.

I didn't watch it often, but I quit watching Two and a Half Men entirely after Charlie Sheen was fired. The replacement show's set-up was too contrived to buy.

I remember I quit watching Happy Days when Fonzie ski-jumped over a shark, so when that book & website came out (Jumping the Shark), I understood what the author (Jon Hein) was talking about.

Reply #10. May 10 16, 9:25 PM
I agree, putting Nick with, of all people, Adelind, almost ruined it for me. Her of all people, who repeatedly wanted Nick dead and even took away his powers! I was disgusted. I'm not a fan of Eve/Juliet but the mythology and the team they have now keep me watching.

Reply #11. May 17 16, 7:03 AM
jabb5076 star

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I, too, gave up on Grimm, but a little earlier than the rest of you---after Juliet turned into a Hexenbiest. I also lost interest in Once Upon a Time a couple of years ago. The plots started getting even sillier and the writers' main focus seemed to be throwing every Disney character they thought of into the mix.

The only show I watch now is Big Bang Theory. I don't think it's 'jumped the shark' quite yet, but it's heading in that direction. Maybe Bernadette having a baby will give the writers a lot of fun material; we'll see.

Reply #12. May 17 16, 7:53 AM
I always liked Grimm. Enjoyed seeing all the different creatures and trying to figure out what they were.

It's not on anymore, but when I was a kid, I used to watch a show called 'The Extraordinary'. I really enjoyed it, thought it was fascinating, until one particular episode (can't remember exactly what it was about) scared me. After that, I stopped watching it and moved on to another show called 'Unsolved Mysteries' which I watched until it was axed.

Reply #13. May 19 16, 6:34 AM
Mixamatosis star

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There are some Scandi-noir shows I stopped watching - too gloomy,
and when I was young I did watch some soaps, but I watch none now. They're too contrived, or shouty or depressing (or all three) and life's too short to tie yourself to endless TV shows.

I watch very few shows now which is probably why it's hard for me to win TV quizzes.

Reply #14. Feb 20 19, 11:12 AM
Two and a Half men once Charlie Sheen left

Reply #15. Mar 12 19, 6:47 AM
I wanted to quit watching Person of Interest after a certain character was killed. I cried so much and would have quit had there not been only three episodes left before the series finale.
It was three years ago this summer that she died, but I still feel it. Stupid, I know, but I have my reasons.

Reply #16. Mar 12 19, 11:20 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I didn't stop watching 'Fleabag' because I binged watched all 2 series of it yesterday and I tried to keep an open mind by seeing it through, but I found it very irritating from early on and it didn't really get any better for me. I watched it because I was hearing good reviews about it, but it just wasn't my thing.

Reply #17. Apr 10 19, 4:23 AM
paulmallon star

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The Blacklist, alright already. How much longer can they possibly drag this on. I loved the first three seasons...

Reply #18. Jan 14 20, 10:36 PM
Hate to say that I with you about the Blacklist.

Spader was so great those first two years. He was always ten steps ahead of everyone. Now he just walks into trap after trap like there's not twenty different groups out there trying to kill him.

Two seasons ago, Liz goes from wanting to know if Red is her father or not to not caring and then she decides that dragging sister into multiple homicides just to find out the truth.

Reply #19. Jan 14 20, 11:54 PM
Hate to say that I agree with you about the Blacklist.

Spader was so great those first two years. He was always ten steps ahead of everyone. Now he just walks into trap after trap like there's not twenty different groups out there trying to kill him.

Two seasons ago, Liz goes from wanting to know if Red is her father or not to not caring about it and then she decides that dragging wayward sister into multiple homicides just to find out the truth is a good idea.

Don't get me started about Mr. Kaplan.....ugh.

(That was what I trying to say)

Reply #20. Jan 15 20, 12:02 AM

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