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Subject: Top Ten Classic Movies (pre 1960)

Posted by: agony
Date: Mar 26 18

Moved this over from the Books discussion in General Chat.

My top ten, off the top of my head and in no particular order:

Now, Voyager
Out of the Past
The Philadelphia Story
The Night of the Hunter
The Court Jester
The Apartment
The Women
Singin' in the Rain
Ball of Fire/The Lady Eve/ Christmas in Connecticut tie

I'll probably have a different list tomorrow. After all, this one doesn't have "The Best Days of their Lives" or "The Third Man" or "Dial M for Murder" or "Double Indemnity" and not even one Tyrone Power movie, oh, and "Laura".... oh dear.

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Memorycat65 star

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Casablanca......ah, what a film! One of the things that stands out for me about this superb film is that when it was made, it was a contemporary movie (1942) about actual events going on in real time. Wasn't that well received either, but over the years, it has become a historical and deservedly iconic film. And yes, everything about it is so spot-on. One of my favorite characters in the film is Claude Rains (think I've watched every movie the man made) - he was at his best when he played the suave and slightly underhanded (or not so slightly) role. I've always treasured the scene where he is shutting down Rick's (due to gambling on the premises) and he says "I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you that gambling is going on here!" (and this while he's collecting his own ill-gotten gains!)
The other scene that grabs me every time I've seen it the one where the Nazis and the French (led by the girl with her guitar) sing competing versions of their national anthems. What feeling, and love of country is on show here - and at the time, how much was at stake! I would be ashamed to tell you how many times I've watched this movie, but I will be watching it again, I'm sure! Mark, you've NEVER seen "The Wizard of Oz?" Omg, I'm picking myself up off the floor! Run, do not walk, pass "GO" or collect $200, but this movie is such a visual treat, please watch it - it has a lot to say about Frank L. Baum's story, but it also has a lot to say about 1939 in America. And the characters! Jack Haley, Ray Bolger, Margaret Hamilton, Bert Lahr, and above all, Judy Garland, singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I know a lot of people don't like musicals, but this one is in a class all its own! It's also about a little girl who learns some valuable lessons about life, and learns confidence, courage, and how to believe in the power of magic. Oops, gotta go, my food has arrived. I'll be back later. Anne

Reply #141. May 23 18, 7:01 PM
mpkitty star

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You are right, Anne, but in a child's film, I don't think it is necessary to look for social significance, why not enjoy it as you see it? Sorry, that is just the way I feel. What you see is what you get. I enjoy it as a straight kind of fairy story, If one looks for deeper meanings, let's not me.

Reply #142. May 23 18, 8:14 PM
terraorca star

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I learned about the allegory of The Wizard of Oz in history class last year, I'm not making this up, look it up, google the allegory of the wizard of oz.

Reply #143. May 23 18, 8:53 PM
mpkitty star

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Maybe if you had watched it before you learned that, you would no longer enjoy it as much.

Reply #144. May 24 18, 2:52 PM
terraorca star

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I think knowledge is great, not just sometimes, always. Knowledge is power, it provides the means and sometimes the end itself.

Reply #145. May 24 18, 7:54 PM
Nammage star

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Sergeant York (1941)
My Man Godfrey (1936)
Laura (1944)
A Bell for Adano (1945)
The Kid (1921)
The Admiral was a Lady (1950)
Bachelor Mother (1939)
Rebecca (1940)
Von Ryan's Express (1965)
The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926)


Reply #146. Jun 04 18, 2:28 AM
mpkitty star

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Some great choices there, Nam! A couple I will have to look for, but I admire your taste, are they in order, or like my list, just favorites. I can't list my favorite because I have so many, and each day of TCM changes the list.

Maybe a list of favorite Animal movies, short so far;

2. THE BLACK STALLION with Mickey Rooney

more to follow...

Reply #147. Jun 06 18, 5:40 PM
Memorycat65 star

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Nam, ditto to mpkitty's response! I'm not familiar with "The Adventures of Prince Achmed," but you've got me curious. When was it made and who is in it? "Sgt. York" is wonderful, and "My Man Godfrey" is absolutely a top-notch "screwball" comedy, and one of my faves. Steph, was it you who mentioned "Ball of Fire" with Barbara Stanwyck? (It may have been Agony) I don't have TCM (that's coming in September!) I've decided that I will treat myself to cable once school starts; can't live any longer without it! Hope it's on again in the coming year so I can view it. I've recently rewatched "Laura" and "Rebecca," (comments on the way on the film noir thread), and four really super film noirs: "The Red House," "Pickup on South Street," "Born to Kill" (Lawrence Tierney - your fave, Steph!), and "The Narrow Margin," with Charles McGraw and Marie Windsor. She was in a lot of 40s and 50s films, but I always thought she was underrated. Sorry to have been away so long, but I've got some fairly serious health issues going on that I'm trying to deal with. I've also been pretty tired since school let out, and every time I try to sit down and type, a nap overwhelms me. Things are slowly getting better, and I hope to be back full steam soon! Happy summer viewing! Anne

Reply #148. Jun 08 18, 2:05 AM
mpkitty star

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Welcome back Anne! I wish you well in your heath issues.

Tell me. what do you think of Born to Kill? I have never seen it mentioned much, or a discussion about it. I just think Laurence Tierney is top-notch always, and the supporting cast in the film! They don't make 'em any better!

Reply #149. Jun 08 18, 8:18 PM
terraorca star

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I am currently watching "The Best Years of Our Lives," wow, great movie, unbelievable cast.
TCM Turner Classic Movies

Reply #150. Nov 06 18, 9:55 PM

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