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Subject: Big Brother 24 (US)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 06 22

Are we ready to expect the unexpected? Join the conversation as we watch the new season! As Kaycee would say, "LET'S GO!"

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jasa9092 star

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I totally forgot about Big Brother until I was flipping channels tonight. What a super fan am I? Lol. I have them all set to record, so I didn't miss anything.

Reply #1. Jul 06 22, 7:32 PM
jasa9092 star

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Any thoughts or first impressions? It's always hard this early on since we don't really know the cast yet. My first impression is there are a couple of girls stuck on themselves, but then again I think that happens every season, lol.

The "Backstage Boss" (Pooch?) did the smart thing of choosing the last place finishers of the 3 competitions to be the ones in jeopardy. No need to make any enemies this early.

Reply #2. Jul 06 22, 7:37 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Hey Jasa
I watched it, but they usually take so long to make all the intros of every player etc. that you don't get to see any game play.
He did pick the last place finishers on 2 of the battles, however, he randomly picked the girl from the other battle.
Really, he picked all females.
As usual, the season is filled with loads of people who think a great deal of themselves, and are very certain they will be walking away with the money.
Well,as usual, 15 will be proven wrong, even though "they didn't come here just to lose".
I am not sure what the nights it will be aired . There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of advertising that I've noticed.

Reply #3. Jul 08 22, 11:38 AM
breelj star

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Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday is the live show and eviction night. They will advertise if there are any special shows like occasionally there may be a Friday episode.

Reply #4. Jul 14 22, 7:58 PM
jasa9092 star

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Sorry I haven't posted. Have you all been watching? I am starting to get some thoughts on the players now that we've seen a few episodes.

First, I felt really bad for Paloma. I can imagine it is really difficult in the house, so we can't really judge her. It seemed from all of her air time that CBS was pushing her to be a fan favorite. CBS tends to feature more of their favorites or the ones who they want us to dislike. At least that's my impression.

As of now, I think Daniel is my favorite. It's early yet and things can change. I liked him from the beginning when he first got in the diary room and got emotional. I could tell he was a true super fan. He also seems to be a respectable person. I've said that in the past seasons too and was wrong, lol. Hopefully I won't be this year.

Do you think Pooch will go home this week? Doesn't he realize you should never volunteer to be a pawn?

Reply #5. Jul 21 22, 6:15 PM
jasa9092 star

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What do you think of the house design this season? I think it is sort of just blah. There have been more creative ones in the past.

By the way, for those that don't know, there is not a show tonight. Instead they will air a special 2 hour episode Sunday night.

Do you think the girls alliance will go far this year? They never seemed to last long in the past.

Reply #6. Jul 21 22, 6:20 PM
jasa9092 star

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Anyone know what the "Festie Bestie" twist means? I hope that doesn't mean they will be paired with someone and if their "bestie" gets nominated, they will automatically as well. I guess we'll find out Sunday.

Reply #7. Jul 22 22, 8:11 AM
breelj star

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Sorry don't know what the festie bestie is either. I also think Pooch will go home tomorrow.

Reply #8. Jul 23 22, 8:05 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I've also been watching. Last Wednesday, the whole episode was video and no audio, just a weird beep beeping noise. It was the same on all the channels that had it, the commercials etc. were all normal, so I guessing something went wrong with their tape. I had to watch it close caption...OMG, UGH. the captions never keep up with the dialogue.
At least the last 15 minutes were OK.

I don't know if Pooch will go home or not. The more they play it like he will certainly go home, they more they are trying for a twist. I can't imagine what he was thinking when he came up with that plan. Wow. Ego much????
It would have been kind of great if Taylor had won the veto, just to see poor Pooch's face.
The HOH should have probably taken the chance to get out the other "threat". I don't know why they keep making out that Taylor is such a GIANT THREAT. ???? I think there are plenty of people who could beat her in HOH and Veto. She seems to be an OK competitor, but seriously, why is everyone so afraid. I think the one they should be looking at is little old goofy Michael....ah shucks...who has been kicking butt at the comps. H
Has no one noticed???

I inadvertently saw what the Festie Besties will it is....LOOK AWAY IF YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW....

"From Weeks 3 through 5, the HouseGuests will compete in pairs, similarly to the Duos Twist in season 13. The HouseGuest who is named Head of Household also earns immunity for their partner, and would be obligated to nominate another duo for eviction. Should the Power of Veto be used, both members of the duo would be saved, forcing the HoH to nominate another duo as the replacement nominees."

That should get everyone's knickers in a twist.

Two hour show tonight, this is usually when everyone decides to call me for no particular reason. I am available to talk every single day and most evenings, but for some reason, the phone will ring just as I have settled down to watch BB. Fingers crossed.

Reply #9. Jul 24 22, 1:52 PM
breelj star

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Lol I looked away! Hopefully they will explain it tonight, the festie bestie. Can't wait! One hour and 10 minutes from now!!!

Reply #10. Jul 24 22, 4:51 PM
jasa9092 star

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Well, he went home. I thought it was funny that he was shocked, lol. I love blindsides.

The Festie Bestie was just like I figured it would be. I don't like it, but at least it won't remain the rest of the season.

Reply #11. Jul 25 22, 5:34 PM
jasa9092 star

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The other day I was looking through our past seasons threads. I'm surprised I don't have the Hindsight badge yet, lol.

Reply #12. Jul 25 22, 5:40 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Okay, so what is Nicole doing?? After everyone laughing their faces off at Pooch for volunteering to be on the block, she is about one step away from that.
The reason...she wants to get whatever the person not voted off in the Besties duo will be receiving .

Okay so. Nicole, here's what could go terribly wrong for you if you and Taylor are the replacement duo.

Number 1: You have zero chance at that point to remove yourself from the block

Number 2. You are sure you have the votes to stay. So was Pooch, but even his loyal friends wrote his name down without flinching. Do you maybe think that someone will come up with the idea to send you out because you are a competitor, you are smart, you are strong, you are the leader of a alliance and maybe someone else wants to be the leader.??? This is their opportunity to drive a stake through the heart of your alliance.

Number 3. What if it all goes to plan. Maybe the person in the duo that doesn't go home gets to wear a funny costume and not speak all week? or goes on slop? Or can
not play in the next HOH?? It might not be a good thing to be that person. Just sayin'

Try and remember that pretty well everyone who ever strutted around the BB House, full of confidence that they would NEVER EVER be sent packing...was sent packing. if you try to get to be a replacement nominee, you are taking your chances.

Also. they have shown no footage so far of the reigning duo. Have they even talked about game and who should be nominated etc?

Reply #13. Jul 26 22, 12:38 PM
jasa9092 star

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I didn't think about that, Rose. You're right. I assumed that the remaining player would get HOH, but it could very well be a punishment. Julie never said it was a reward. Yep, Nicole should have thought about how Pooch volunteered and how it backfired. Dumb move.

Reply #14. Jul 27 22, 5:50 PM
jasa9092 star

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I just finished watching tonight's show. If you don't want to know anything yet, don't look...

All I can say is NOoooo! I like Ameera! I can respect tht they want to take out a competitor, but I don't want her to go. :'-( it was odd that they didn't show the veto ceremony tonight. I guess CBS must want a whole night of blindside.

I felt really bad for Taylor. It almost felt like she was being bullied. I didn't think she meant anything bad when she told Nicole that if she felt like she had to bow out to not worry about it. Nicole way overreacted and took it the wrong way.

By the way, Michael needs to watch it. He has won every veto, which is not necessarily a good thing in the game.

Reply #15. Jul 27 22, 7:31 PM
jasa9092 star

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Poor Ameerah. I really liked her. I'm trying to think of who I'm rooting for. I'm kind of liking Monte and Kyle. Who are you all rooting for?

I like the Leftovers alliance. Taylor may not be my favorite, but she hasn't deserved the treatment she's been getting. I'm glad they included her in that alliance.

Reply #16. Jul 29 22, 12:08 PM
jasa9092 star

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Nicole came close to winning the HOH this week. I wouldn't mind seeing her go home. She really rubbed me the wrong way this week. Of course, Taylor won't let Monte put her up as a pawn though. I would think she'd want to take out her bully, but at least she is smart enough to not want to be a pawn.

Who do you think Alyssa meant by she misses her "person"? Do you think it is a boyfriend? Friend?

Reply #17. Aug 01 22, 7:54 AM
jasa9092 star

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Hey Bree, Rose, and anyone else... you still watching? I'm starting to talk to myself, lol. I'll just ramble. Lol

I like that they have new(ish) competitions so far. However, I'm surprised they haven't had an endurance yet. They had that small one that didn't last long, but there hasn't been one that takes 2 hours or so.

I've been a good girl and have stayed away from spoiler sites. I did pretty good last year. I always checked on HOH comps when they didn't finish during the live show, but I'm determined to stay away this season. :)

It's nice to see the evicted houseguests don't have to wear masks during their interview with Julie. I missed getting to see their expressions. I would have rather she be masked instead of them.

Alright everyone.... get to chatting. I need some company. :)

Reply #18. Aug 02 22, 5:32 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I am still here.
I don't have a favourite right now.
I don't really care for Taylor...she did go all out to impress the boys when it started, trying to get in with them. That bugged me.
The boys always freak the heck out when they suspect that the girls have an alliance. Big deal. The boys always form an alliance of some sort, every season. If the leftovers succeed, they will pick off the girls and Daniel, and then take out Brittany and Taylor. Can't say I am enthusiastic about either of them, so don't really care.
As for the rest, I guess I'll wait and see how they play the game. I did like Kyle, UNTIL he sneered at Canada. Now I hope he loses.
I hope everyone going on the show in the future remembers ONE THING. Never strut around like you own the game. It will send you out the door in a minute.
Maybe TWO THINGS. Don't hang out in little cabals, ignoring all others. Spread yourself out.
The moment you assume you are safe, you are either the HOH, or leaving.
I did hope the Nicki would win that HOH. It would have been great to see the leftovers scramble back. However, Nicki would, no doubt, have gone after Taylor [which is getting really boring now] instead of right to heart of that alliance.
So now, I guess, will it be Alyssa or Nicki going home this week.
BTW, I checked on-line, and every site is saying that Alyssa is single, no mention of a boyfriend at all. Now, I suspect that Kyle will want her gone as an act of petty revenge for absolutely nothing except another house guest's rumor.
Another surprise, no showmances this year. Not now anyway. Well, maybe Pooch and Joe.
I do hope that this is not going to be another year of "ticking the names off the play clipboard". Knowing weeks in advance who will be going home . Y A W N

So, tonight we see which girl will be going home.

Oh, on another note, are you watching "The Challenge" that follows BB on Wednesdays? It is a group of people consisting of former BB players. Survivor players, Amazing Race Players and Love Island players. competitions for the grand prize.

Reply #19. Aug 03 22, 7:22 AM
jasa9092 star

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When will the houseguests ever learn?? Don't volunteer to go on the block!

When did Kyle diss Canada? I missed that. I saved most of the recordings, so I'm curious to go back and see it. I'm sorry he did that. :(

Well, I guess there is indeed a showmance. I actually think they are cute together.

Yeah, I agree about Taylor and how she flaunted around with the guys at first. Her playing pool the way she did in her bathing suit really bugged me. I just didn't like how she started getting treated.

I haven't heard of that show you mentioned. I record my shows, so I don't know what comes on after. What day is it on?

Reply #20. Aug 04 22, 10:30 PM

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