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Subject: Big Brother 24 (US)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 06 22

Are we ready to expect the unexpected? Join the conversation as we watch the new season! As Kaycee would say, "LET'S GO!"

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jasa9092 star

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Monte hasn't won anything? I didn't realize that. I guess he was always upstairs that I forgot it was his alliance members doing the winning. Geez, almost be carried there too then, lol.

Reply #41. Aug 29 22, 8:17 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I thought on Sunday someone said he had won HOH before...but I can't remember that! Sorry Monty.

I was on the edge of my seat during that comp. Sooo glad Turner won.
I had not realized that Josiph had spilled the beans about Michael and Taylor and Brittany. Yes indeed, Monty, a really good time to switch alliances, or revive old ones.

What I loved were the looks on Taylor and Brittany's faces when they were nominated. Brittany was horrified. I just love it when people find themselves in the situations where they have put other people, and laugh and are so gleeful about it. Nice for them to get a taste of what they thought was soooo funny.
Taylor being all boo-hoo about her shomance going to the jury, but she could not wait to break up Kyle and Alysha. I guess people just don't see beyond them selves and their own feelings.
Maybe she will join him this week and he can explain selling her down the river for a chance to stay.
Michael should be worried. He is hoping for a chance at the veto, which he may or may not get. Best case for him is to win and remove Brittany. Should Brittany win and remove herself, he will be the replacement. Should Taylor win and remove herself, he will be the replacement. Should anyone else win, they would probably remove one of the nominees and he will be the replacement. (providing the veto winner has a functioning brain!)
Ergo, Michael will have quite a task ahead of him either trying to convince Taylor or Brittany to stay on the block, or someone else to not use him as a replacement. However, knowing Michael, he will probably be able to do that. If he gets to the end, he will win.

Can't wait for the veto! Now this season just got interesting!

I don't know who I am rooting hardest for quite yet...maybe Kyle or Alysha...they could maybe use the money and travel and maybe learn about a couple of other countries, or buy an atlas! They may end up in Paris, England or the country of Prague with a side trip to the city of Greece. :O

Reply #42. Aug 30 22, 1:18 PM
jasa9092 star

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Yes, I had to laugh at their lack of basic geography knowledge. Geography is one of my weaknesses, but I'm sure a lot better than they are. I mean, Paris is in England? LOL. I hope they don't get put on Amazing Race, lol.

I'm rooting for Turner and Kyle. Some might say that Kyle played dirty by outing the Leftovers, but he had to do everything he could to keep him and Alyssa safe.

I was a little surprised that Brocella thought for sure that Alyssa would be eliminated. Wouldn't they realize Terrance is probably closer to her? Then again we haven't seen much airing of Terrance.

Reply #43. Aug 30 22, 1:47 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Terrance has been playing the Leftovers, and how.

I do like him. He has survived and made a gigantic move taking out Josiph. This, in spite of Josiph telling him that he (Terrance) was finished if the Dyre Fest walked back into the house with him gone. I loved it when they all blamed Joseph for his going to jury. Too Funny.
The Leftovers are a classic case of becoming far too comfortable in the house. Looking at everyone not in the alliance as just people you will send home in whatever order you want. I love it when they get bitten hard for that attitude.

Is it 6 people in the veto tonight? Whatever happens, there will be tears and gnashing of teeth. If the AfterParty plays smart, someone from the Leftovers will be going home. Whatever happens, Michael will be in overdrive trying to convince people to do want he wants. Should be interesting!!!

Reply #44. Aug 31 22, 12:05 AM
jasa9092 star

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I just got done watching tonight's episode. Hmm, oh boy. Such a sensitive and controversial issue. I am not even sure what to say. A few week's ago when Kyle brought up The Cookout alliance last year with them wanting someone of color to win, I just took it as he was afraid that was happening again and that he didn't want to get eliminated just because he is white. I didn't realize he was trying to form a white alliance. Like I said, this is a touchy subject and i should just leave this episode's critique out.

That being said, I do want to comment on the Veto. I know Michael had to win it again, but oh my goodness he has won so much. His days are definitely numbered.

Reply #45. Aug 31 22, 7:30 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Yes, I agree.

I think Kyle was being paranoid and panicking because last year the Cookout had a lock on the game from the beginning. The alliance stood firm and threw people they had formed bonds out of the house, no exceptions

I think that was the absolute dirtiest move I have ever seen on BB. Michael knew this weeks ago and he waited and saved it for the time when he would need it the most. When he brought it up to Brittany, she looked almost shocked that he suddenly felt the great need to let everyone know and how Kyle should be sent home immediately. Funny how he didn't feel the need to destroy Kyle's life till his final three was in jeopardy, and Kyle had flipped alliances.
This is so serious, and Kyle is correct, it's not just a game, it is Kyle's LIFE. Forever impacted.
Michael, if you you were so upset, perhaps you could have mentioned it sooner. I honestly think it is just a game move on Michael's part, and boy,oh boy, it was fatal.

To do that to someone, behind his/her back, Just wow. If you felt the need, maybe you should have talked it out with him, maybe had a meeting with the other people.
Where does BB stand in all this? Obviously they knew what was said and if they thought it was stepping over the line, would they not have pulled him from the game??
In the Canadian BB once, someone was there one minute and gone the next. I cannot remember what had happened, but the guy was gone due to remarks.

I especially liked (not) how Michael and Brittany went around making sure everyone knew their version, with their most sad faces on, and then started nudging people, Turner included, to send Kyle packing immediately. All of a sudden, they are outraged at the remarks, and horrified and Kyle (now in an alliance that will send them home) should have to leave at once. At least Turner said in the diary room, "Why did he wait till now to tell anyone ???" Yes, Turner, why??

This is a side of Michael that is just nasty, nasty, nasty. Hope he loses. Seriously.
Apparently there is a going to be a meeting tomorrow.

All this being said, I am going to try and watch it again. For some reason the reception was once again, terrible.
The dialogue was all tinny and sounded like robots, with most of the words not understandable. This went on through the show and I had to put on the close captioning. That is not the best as the words on the screen are behind what is going on. It seem to come and go, sometimes good, sometimes bad. I really have to watch it again.

Reply #46. Aug 31 22, 10:53 PM
jasa9092 star

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I agree this was a really dirty move. It was like he kept this info in his back pocket. They get in a bubble and forget there is a real world out there. I hope Kyle won't suffer because of this.

I don't want to sound bad for saying this, but nobody seemed to care that Taylor said she would never put a black woman on the block. What if Michael was HOH and said he would never put a white guy up?

Reply #47. Sep 01 22, 10:32 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Yes, I agree. She made that absolutely clear on several occasions.

Where is the line?

There are alliances formed and broken all the time.
They are based on compatibility or gender, or age, or attraction, or whatever else appeals to them at the time to give each person a much better chance of winning the game.

I have seen a few times on the Canadian BB alliances formed on the basis of where you are from. The East Coast Atlantic Provinces, or Ontario, or the Prairies or British Colombia. The vote out people who are not from where you are from, sticking together to pack a bigger punch.

So, where is the line when it comes to alliances?

Reply #48. Sep 01 22, 12:55 PM
jasa9092 star

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I'm still watching tonight's show in progress (on a commercial right now). Im not revealing who got eliminated.

I have to say this is a very emotional episode. I've cried a lot. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I love Taylor this week. She showed the most compassion of everyone.

Ok... back to the show...

Reply #49. Sep 01 22, 7:49 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Double eviction next week. I figured they'd have to do it again. I see we have to wait till Sunday to see the HOH winner. :(

Reply #50. Sep 01 22, 8:00 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Well that HOH was predictable. I think it's unlikely they will ever get Michael out. Can't anyone else win anything?? Turner possibly. The bad thing is Michael can play in every Veto now.

Reply #51. Sep 06 22, 7:18 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Sorry to take so long to answer, I'm on vacay and not getting a lot of laptop time.
I did manage to convince everyone here that it would be in their best interest if I did get to watch BB on Sunday. LOL!!
Of course Michael won.

Of course he nominated Alysha and Terrance.

This made me laugh. He said that he did NOT want to nominate Turner because..haha...Turner did not nominate him last week. He did the right thing and nominated Kyle. He didn't want to punish Turner for "doing the right thing"... OMG. please Michael , could you possibly be more obvious?? Let's not punish people, like Me, who did the RIGHT thing, albeit a few weeks late and it conveniently helped my game immensely. I guess he has to keep trying to sell his story and it just comes across as so very fake.
The big diary room speech for Turner "doing the right thing and sending the evil Kyle home"...who does he think he is fooling with this?
Everyone at the group meeting has said that they wonder why Michael waited until he was possibly in jeopardy before he decided that he must tell all.
At the end of the meeting, did you catch it when Michael was leaving/left the room and muttered "BYE KYLE!!" I sure hope he loses the game. I hope anyone but him wins. Oh my, and Brittany. Well, anyone against her would/should win. (If she doesn't hypnotize the jury that is.)

So, I guess tomorrow night I will have to insist I get to watch BB. And that everyone be quiet when it is on. Sigh. The hardships of vacation.

Reply #52. Sep 06 22, 8:55 PM
jasa9092 star

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I hope you're enjoying your vacation. :) Just tell everyone you need a mini vacation to watch BB. ;-)

I missed that "Bye Kyle". I have almost every episode still, so I went back and looked. Yep, after he put up the Veto box he said that. Too bad we didn't get to see his face as he said it. He was probably grinning ear to ear. What a slime ball. He better not ever get to be on All Stars! I also went back and saw his conversation with Brittany before they told everyone. He said, "I've been racking my brain on how we get out of this" and then said he was going to tell everyone about Kyle. Michael has the nerve to say it isn't a game move?!

By the way, I noticed when Kyle left the house to sit with Julie, he didn't get many claps. That made me sad. He was never intentionally racist. I hope if Michael goes home soon that he gets no claps. His actions WAS intentional.

Reply #53. Sep 07 22, 9:23 AM
jasa9092 star

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I just read an online article where Julie was being asked questions about the week. This particular question interested me:

What do you make of the timing of Michael and Brittany waiting so long to disclose the information about Kyle?

The timing of it feels questionable. It's interesting though, because when Michael first discusses the idea with Brittany of using this information as leverage, she says let's wait and see what happens with the Veto. Yet despite winning the Veto, Michael still moves forward in sharing this information. He flat out says it's to try and keep him and his Big Brochella housemates (Brittany, Taylor, and Monte) safe. He adds: And it would be nice as a result to send Kyle out. It looks like, to me, he used this information at a time he had little to lose and a lot to gain. That's how I see the dots connecting.

Reply #54. Sep 07 22, 9:36 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Oh I am never googling anything about big brother. I started reading an article which told who won the Veto! I have been really good and not read a spoiler site. I wanted to be completely surprised this season. Ugh

Reply #55. Sep 07 22, 9:41 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
No surprise on the Veto tonight. *sigh*

I got to thinking about Michael if he was in the final two. I don't think he is a sure bet on winning against everyone. Turner, Taylor, and Monte would give him a run for his money. I mean, what actual things has he done other than win a lot of comps? He has no social game. I don't recall seeing him hanging out with Alyssa, Indy, etc. Plus, I can see several jurors not liking his disgusting game play and not vote for him. His only real shot would be with Brittany, Terrance, or Alyssa.

The entire show tonight I could hardly get myself to look at him.

Reply #56. Sep 07 22, 10:12 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Tomorrow might be interesting. Two hour show with double eviction. Maybe we will get lucky and he will be too exhausted to win anything.

Reply #57. Sep 07 22, 10:14 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Yesssss! I can't wait to see next week's jury footage when Michael comes. I'm ready to see them rip into him. He didn't leave very classy. That dude keeps losing my respect.

I liked Kyle owning up to his actions. He seems genuinely sorry.

Reply #58. Sep 08 22, 9:44 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
OMG, Rose! I just got Paramount+ and I can see all 9 seasons of Big Brother Canada!!!! Now we can have a thread for that one. When does that season start?

Reply #59. Sep 09 22, 11:43 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
*Editors - Feel free to edit that streaming service out. I posted that before I thought about it. Sorry about that.

On a side note... I can see Australia Big Brother too! Only seasons 12 and 13 though. Now, when can I find the time to watch these? Lol

Reply #60. Sep 09 22, 1:14 PM

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