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Subject: Coming soon: Quiz List feature

Posted by: Terry
Date: Feb 18 16

Gold members will soon gain a new ability: to create "Quiz Lists".

A Quiz List is a list of quizzes on our site that you can group together and place under your profile, and publish on a new community "Quiz Lists" page.

For authors, you can create lists for any series of quizzes which make sense to go together.

Let's say I authored the following quizzes:
- American History: The American Revolution
- American History: Civil War
- American History: World War 2

I could create a quiz list and contain these quizzes in it. Say, "American History by Terry"

That will create an organized list of those quizzes under my profile, so that players can play them all in their most logical order.

In addition, each of the quizzes in the series will contain links to all of the others in the series, so that players will know that the quiz is part of a logical series.

Lists can be used for educators to group quizzes together for play by students.

Even if you didn't author any of the quizzes, you could simply create a list "Terry's Favorite FunTrivia Quizzes", and add quizzes to your list over time.

Quiz lists will also have their own section, showing you what lists other players have made.

This feature is probably still a few weeks away, but you can start thinking about how you can use this new feature!

Quiz Lists will be a Gold Member feature:
