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Subject: Three Little Letters (CWs) - COMPLETE

Posted by: 1nn1
Date: Jul 08 19

Welcome to this third style of crossword challenge with a premise that will have the capacity to send you crazy or reward you with the satisfaction of a job well done.

The premise is simple. You will be supplied with twelve (12) three-letter combinations (eg. BER, ACK). You are required to make twelve words using the letters in the sequence given and incorporate all twelve new words into a small crossword. Additionally, at least four of the words (that is two pairs) must cross each other. Besides using the letters in the exact sequence, the three letter sequences come with hyphens to indicate further instructions:

nnn- means the three letter sequence must start the chosen word and at least one more letter is needed (ie at least a four letter word).

-nnn means the sequence must end the word and at least one more letter is required at the beginning of the word (ie at least a four letter word).

-nnn- means at least a five letter word is required with the three letter sequence neither starting nor ending the word.

nnn (no hyphen) means at least a three letter word is needed. The sequence can start, end, or be in the middle of the word.

Each word requires one only set of three letters - You cannot use more than one set in any one word.

To request a packet of letters just request one in the thread below and a crossword editor will gladly dispatch a packet to you via your personal inbox.

Initially there will be only twelve packets of letters dispatched. The uptake and timely response will determine if future packets will be "filled". If you request a packet, please ensure your crossword is submitted in a timely manner to determine future viability of this challenge (ie. 'do you want more?'). Once you have one such crossword online you can request another packet.

As always crossword editors are here to help. Post your question in the thread below so all can see the same information.

When you have submitted your crossword, please feel free to use the thread to post your feedback on how you found this challenge as it will inform any future development of this challenge.

Completed Packets
Packet #1 - Leith90
Packet #2 - Bernie73
Packet #3 - CmdrK
Packet #4 - Pollucci19
Packet #5 - Jennifer5
Packet #6 - Creedy
Packet #7 - Moonraker2
Packet #8 - Zorba_Scank
Packet #9 - Leith90
Packet #10 - Creedy
Packet #11 - Moonraker2
Packet #12 - Zorba_Scank

45 replies. On page 3 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
zorba_scank star
Mine is in the queue. This must be the quickest we've completed a challenge in a while.

Reply #41. Jul 12 19, 6:36 AM

player avatar
...and online.

Game, set and match.
I cannot recall a challenge ever been posted, run, met and completed within four days but this one was indeed.
Thank you for your participation I will post some feedback shortly.

Reply #42. Jul 12 19, 3:49 PM

player avatar
Feedback on this challenge.

All supplied packets contained three letter combinations that had been tested to ensure there were multiple words possible for each combo.

The limited number of available packets for this challenge was due in part to the fact we did not know how such a challenge would be received and as such was run as a pilot. It also added a level of complexity to the editing process - the impact of which was unknown.

Because the 12 packets were snapped up within days and entries submitted in record time, this provided an insight that the challenge was well received. Additionally feedback posted on the thread was always positive so there will be a Round 2 in the near future, possibly with an extended number of entries available.

Some feedback received said the challenge was challenging itself, yet from the speed of submission, I am surmising this was due to it being a different sort of challenge and participants had to get their head around what was a fairly novel concept, rather than the challenge being difficult itself.

Ten of the twelve entries were submitted on what I call the "Quad Box, five and three" format or a variation thereof. This is the most popular grid submitted to FT. It covered the requirements of the letter combinations needing a minimum three letter length and no word requirement for anything greater than five letters.

Whilst each packet was different, each packet had the same formula for the 12 character lists. Each had a nnn- format starting with the same letter and a -nnn format ending with the same letter. This provided an easy fix to address the crossing requirement, but this was not an issue with most submissions exceeding the four pair crossing requirement. Indeed some entry crossed all 12 letter combinations.

Each packet had the same number of nnn-, -nnn, nnn, -nnn- format. Also each packet had one (only) three letter combination where the options were limited. However from the speed of submissions, none of the combinations provided seemed to hold up the construction process. The one item that did cause some concern was a couple of participants saw the "nnn" format as a requirement for a three letter only word rather than a 'free-range' option where the the combo could be used in any letter count. Perhaps I could have explained that better.

There will be another crossword challenge made available before Round 2 of Three Little Letters which will up the ante ever so slightly. Some of the ways the challenge intensity could be increased is by any or all of the following:

1. Requirement for a medium sized crossword
2. Minimum letter count - four letters
3. Introduction of a world requirement longer than five letters. eg
2x7 letters words or at least one word 9 letters or more
4. Introduction of 'Four Little Letter" combinations
5. Use of more obscure TLLs eg 'JEE'

Please feel free to send feedback on what you would like to see in Round 2. It is after all a challenge designed for you. Just don't expect is to be easy...

Reply #43. Jul 26 19, 7:48 PM
moonraker2 star

player avatar
Thanks for the feedback 1nn1, I found this format to be a most enjoyable challenge.

I would welcome any if not all of your suggested additions to the challenge, assuming it doesn't deter others from participating. However, there is one additional suggestion I'd like to throw at you, ie that each crossword should be symmetrical, which in my view is a fundamental requirement of crossword compilation.

Reply #44. Jul 27 19, 4:00 AM

player avatar
I've said this elsewhere to 1nn1, but will say it here too. If we are wanting to attract new crossword authors, we should try to keep restrictions that go above and beyond crossword guidelines at a minimum, or make them optional. That way experienced authors could incorporate them if they want to do so.

Reply #45. Jul 27 19, 7:12 AM

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