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What's the Animal #5? Crossword Puzzle

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Series number 5 on the world of wonderful animals.
Author: sw11 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Male duck
      4. Male honey bee
      7. Western or European ___ deer
      8. American buffalo
      10. ___ white shark
      12. Second-largest living bird by height
      14. Grizzly aka North American brown ___
      16. Genus of small sea snails
      17. Relating to birds
      18. Male red deer
      19. South American small forest-dwelling monkey
      20. Blood sucking ___ bugs
      22. Large white African gazelle with reddish hair on neck and upper back
      24. Aka snow leopard
      27. Color of fox found mostly in Northern Hemisphere
      28. North American large brown marten aka fisher (name derived from Abenaki language)
      29. Semiaquatic fish-eating mammal


      1. Northern Europe edible flatfish
      2. Donkey
      3. Sea eagle
      4. Mountain ___ , rodent species found in the foothills of the Andes
      5. Greater ___-horned rhino found in northern India and southern Nepal
      6. Baby newt
      9. Medium-sized ___ gull found in Arctic regions of Canada and Greenland
      11. ___ lion found in Middle East and northern India
      13. Cat breed, ___ Coon
      15. Rodent
      16. Eusocial insect
      20. Monkey-faced owl aka ___ owl
      21. Extinct bird from Mauritius
      22. European freshwater fish of Cyprinid family
      23. Repetitive ___ sound from South African small female antelope when it is threatened
      25. Food eaten by woodland bird
      26. Rodent endemic in Borneo, ___-spot squirrel