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A Cold Blooded Crossword

Home» Crosswords» Animals
No mammals or birds in here, just reptiles, amphibians, fish and other cold-blooded creatures, (plus a few fillers).
Author: mutchisman - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Marine predator. (5,5,5)
      8. Elton's one rocked! (9)
      10. Deep bodied type of fish. (5)
      11. A cephalopod. (7)
      14. A rattlesnake may be ___ before it is seen. (5)
      15. To be in debt. (3)
      16. "To be ___ not to be" (2)
      18. These can be kept in a formicarium. (4)
      20. Some species of gourami (and other fish) are ___-brooders.(5)
      22. Guided (3)
      23. Many species of hymenoptera possess one of these. (5)
      24. A large family of flies, often coloured to mimic bees and wasps. (5)
      26. Conservation of all animal species is an important ___. (5)
      27. How most reptiles start life. (3)
      28. ___ monster; venomous lizard. (4)
      29. Night-flying insect
      31. A type of crustacean. (5)
      33. Terrestrial turtle. (8)
      35. Large snake. (3)
      36. A king snake? (5,6)


      1. A family of lizards. (5)
      2. Most arthropods have an ___ skeleton. (3)
      3. Frilled lizards often run on ___ legs. (3)
      4. Some African frogs have thin tubules which can look like these. (5)
      5. Arboreal amphibians. (4,5)
      6. A primitive species of crab. (9)
      7. World's largest lizard. (6,6)
      9. A popular type of fish in marine aquaria. (5)
      12. A large family of amphibians. (4)
      13. Many cold-blooded creatures can make good ___. (4)
      16. An animal that eats both meat and vegetable matter. (8)
      17. A large reptile. (9)
      19. What an electric eel might do to its prey. (4)
      21. What a robber crab could be said to be? (4)
      25. Marine habitat. (3)
      30. How a snake will often sleep. (4)
      31. What you might feel if bitten by a snake! (4)
      32. ___ louse; land based crustacean. (4)
      34. Type of fish. (3)