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Simple Similes (and a few Mixed Metaphors) Crossword Puzzle

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In here are mostly common similes (and one or two metaphors). Similes can vary in different countries but these are in use in the UK. I think you should spot the one I've made up.
Author: mutchisman - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. As ___ as a mule
      6. As clean as ___ ___ (two words)
      9. As tough as old ___
      10. As wise as an ___
      11. A type of meditation
      12. As red as a ___
      14. As ___ as a parrot
      15. As thin as a___
      17. As sweet as a ___
      19. As light as a ___
      22. As ugly as ___
      23. As scarce as ___ ___ (two words)
      24. As difficult as the Obscure Researcher ___!
      26. As cunning as a ___
      27. As ___ as a sheet
      29. You don't want these in your belfry!
      32. As hot as ___
      33. As ___ ___ rain (two words)
      34. As ___ as a new pin


      1. As ___ as a judge
      2. As ___ as gall
      3. As strong as an ___
      4. As hard as ___
      5. As poor as a ___ mouse
      7. As ___ as a fox
      8. As fast as ___
      13. As ___ as the hills
      16. As nervous as a ___
      18. As red as a ___
      20. As ___ as pie
      21. You should rub tired eyes with this
      23. As mad as a ___
      25. As pure as ___ snow
      28. As slippery as an ___
      29. As snug as a ___ in a rug
      30. As blue as the ___
      31. Pour this on troubled waters
      32. A short laugh or expression of scorn