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Anything Science #7 Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword contains words that are related to any of the fields of science. Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Science student
      4. Hard wood
      7. Silk that is interwoven with metal threads
      11. Small knife
      13. Sustenance
      14. Affirmative votes
      15. Washing bowl in a laboratory
      16. Large extinct flightless bird
      17. Lacking sufficient water
      18. Electrical cables
      19. An assistant
      21. A light two wheeled carriage
      24. A sudden gust of wind
      25. Cry out in pain
      28. The way an experiment is arranged
      29. Element formed from the decay of radium


      1. Plant that never stops growing
      2. Mountain lion
      3. Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, ___, Ti, Do
      4. Half an em
      5. Garfield cartoon character
      6. Tibetan ox (pl)
      8. Exercise using oxygen
      9. Jostled
      10. Watch for an experiment outcome
      11. A succession of rulers
      12. A molecule with unpaired electrons
      19. Questions
      20. A tubular passage
      22. To tear apart forcibly
      23. A method for receiving an end result
      26. Not down
      27. To be ___ not to be