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Anything Science #10 Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword contains words that are related to all the fields of Science. Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Element essential for strong bones and teeth
      6. A decrease in the amplitude of an oscillation
      11. Experiment goal
      12. A constructed language
      13. A colorless acid with an odor of almonds
      15. Impregnates with fish sperm
      18. Foot digit
      19. Large antelope
      22. Theory
      23. Small island
      24. Plague carrying rodent
      27. Fluid that circulates through plant tissue
      28. Put hot solutions on one of these
      30. Petroleum
      32. Malaria causing winged insects
      33. Mendel's ___ plant experiment was genetically motivated
      34. Trap animals with a mesh, for research
      36. People mover
      37. Self esteem
      39. Director's last words, "___ wrap" (three words, two contracted)
      44. Red colored
      47. The cheekbone
      49. One twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atom (abbr)
      51. Cereal grass
      52. Egg white
      53. Ruin
      55. Not in
      57. Substance that can't be broken down to simpler substances
      58. A nut bearing tree


      1. Chemical symbol is Cd
      2. A type of spoon
      3. Roman numerals for number 101
      4. Brats
      5. Palate
      6. Prescribes medicines in specific amounts
      7. Rodents
      8. Chemical symbol for palladium (abbr)
      9. Greek letters
      10. Places where food is grown
      14. Therefore
      16. The unconscious self
      17. Pitch used on roads
      20. Which structure does orbicularis oris muscle innervate
      21. Netherlands (abbr)
      25. Laboratory trials
      26. To foam
      27. Coarse stiff hair
      29. Gorilla
      31. Era
      33. An order of mammal with opposable thumbs and big toes
      35. A bilobed endocrine gland
      36. To bleat
      38. Mouth-like openings
      40. Thankyou (Brit, informal)
      41. Viscous mud
      42. Custom
      43. The inner passage of a tubular organ
      45. Dr Jeckyl went ___ the lab (two words)
      46. Chemical symbol for silicon (abbr)
      48. Something occurring infrequently
      50. Twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet
      51. A closed loop
      54. I ___, you are
      56. University of Wisconsin (Abbr)