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The Body #4 Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword contains words that are related to the human body. Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Injuries
      6. Something removed by a scalpel
      10. Toilet (Brit)
      11. ___, you are (two words)
      13. Cigarette residue
      14. Atop
      15. Thinks
      16. You and me
      18. Large marine mammal
      19. Pulsate
      21. Employ
      23. Newspaper chief (abbr)
      25. Localized inflammed area in tissue
      28. German for Protective Squadron (abbr)
      29. Alone
      31. Long and slender
      32. Trade Name acronym
      33. Period when ovulation ceases
      34. ___, I, O, U (missing vowels)
      35. The ___ of Henle is concerned with urine concentration
      36. Press the teeth together
      37. The infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum
      38. Keep infectious people away from everyone
      41. More than one line (abbr)
      43. Strike with great force
      45. Accumulated excrement of sea birds
      48. Egg-shaped body
      50. Nighttime (abbr)
      51. Hits a person on the head
      53. Concerning (abbr)
      54. Prefix meaning among
      56. In no way
      57. Study
      59. Keeps on top of water
      60. In a state of natural rest


      1. Us
      2. Forearm bones
      3. Yes antonym
      4. Give a narcotic to
      5. Unhappy emotion
      7. Go without food for a period of time
      8. Hormone made by the gonadotropes in the anterior pituitary gland (initials)
      9. What the stomach does when you're nervous
      11. A bone in the middle ear
      12. Confused struggle
      14. Exclamation of surprise
      17. I love you ___
      18. Body contact sport
      20. Top of a wicker type container (two words)
      22. Shoulder blade
      24. Person who gives blood
      26. Femurs
      27. Blood will do this when an artery is cut
      28. Animal description of a slow person
      30. Outer Membrane Protein acronym
      31. Lower limb
      39. ___ donor
      40. Mentally deficient person
      42. Small bit part in a film
      44. Past participle of bear
      46. Ascending direction
      47. Death notice (abbr)
      48. ___ and ends
      49. That is acronym
      52. Electrically charged atom
      55. Ma's mate
      58. ___ Cid