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Fun With Science #9 Crossword Puzzle

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A crossword that covers all fields of science. Enjoy!
Author: Matthew_07 - Diff: Harder



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      1. The study of life
      4. This mammal is known for its intelligence and echolocation
      7. Malleability
      8. Visual representation of an area (pl.)
      10. Five basic tastes: bitter, salty, ____ , sweet, and umami
      12. Fat: ___ tissue
      14. Mercury dental filling
      15. 3 types of volcano: active, ___ , and extinct
      16. This hormone converts glucose to glycogen.
      18. Female lion
      20. A class of cold-blooded vertebrate
      21. Charles Darwin's wife
      23. The basic unit of heredity
      24. The study of the universe
      25. He discovered the electron.
      26. The study of animals


      1. A mysterious place: The ___ Triangle
      2. Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (abbr.)
      3. Chemical element with the symbol Y
      4. Shoulder muscle
      5. He ___ me some money.
      6. Mercury is the ___ planet to the sun.
      9. Chemical element with the symbol K
      11. Specialized subunit of a cell
      12. Two types of momentum: linear and ___
      13. An organ: either free or attached
      16. Offspring ___ genes from their parents.
      17. The functional unit of the kidney
      18. Calculus co-inventor
      19. Working together
      22. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (abbr.)
      23. A town in Pest county, Hungary