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A Nautical Mishmash Crossword Puzzle

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Heave-ho, me hearties, for a melange of maritime-associated terms! (with a few fillers)
Author: Mistigris - Diff: Harder



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      1. Thank you sounds like a sailor
      3. Ships show a green ___ to starboard
      5. A Scottish lighthouse: The ___ Rock
      9. Royal Navy (abbr.)
      10. A sailing ship zig-___s when tacking
      11. Decorative fish of the carp family
      13. Small one-masted vessel with running bowsprit; or a knife
      16. Propelling with oars
      17. To discharge ballast: ___ballast
      18. Used for the Captain's Log?
      19. Chinese-rigged ship with European hull
      21. Ships may ___ a flag or pennant
      23. To leave on a voyage: ___ sail
      25. Royal Yacht Squadron (abbr.)
      27. A fairy with Spanish water? Or a Leeward Islands canoe?
      29. Song, "Tom Bowling": "And now ___ gone aloft."
      31. WW2 German submarine (1-4)
      32. Mail-boat
      35. Credit (abbr.)
      36. River of Wensleydale
      37. This is traditionally made from birch bark (8,5)
      41. "Marina", a poem by ___ Eliot (initials)
      43. Poetry: "And a grey ___ on the sea's face"
      44. Lost? All at ___
      45. Ancient vessel with three banks of oars
      47. Raise the anchor from water's surface to the cathead
      48. Poetry: "I must go down ___ the sea again"
      50. Mythical lost continent
      51. Manually operated marine propulsion unit
      52. Song: "Rolling down to ___" (in South America)
      53. Ship engines arrived with The ___ of Steam
      54. Distress signal
      55. A type of three-masted vessel (a sound like a dog?)


      1. Fishing vessel
      2. Poetry: "And now it is ___ angel's song"
      3. Man-of-war's largest boat
      4. Where Drake was playing bowls: Plymouth ___
      5. Canoes are sometimes made of this
      6. Many years ___ most ships were made of wood
      7. A light rowing boat
      8. Light ship's boat for rowing or sailing
      12. Song: "___ the Good Ship Lollipop"
      13. Scurvy dog or cowardly person
      14. Working boats, but not for cooking hobos! (5,8)
      15. Pleasure boats on inland waterways (5,8)
      20. This may contain gunpowder or rum
      22. A light sailing vessel for racing
      23. Small Far-Eastern vessel, usually with stern oar
      24. You (French, familiar)
      26. Sling ____ hook! (Go away!)
      28. A biblical vessel
      29. I'm a Mediterranean lug-rigged boat: who are you?
      30. Sailors must ___ their pay
      33. Vessel for plying coastal trade
      34. WW2 fast torpedo vessel (1-4)
      35. A berth on a ship
      38. Light conditions at dawn and dusk
      39. Fly the flag __ half-mast
      40. Compass direction
      42. WW2 German self-propelled assault gun (abbr)
      46. Egyptian deity who traveled in the sunboat
      47. Male swan
      49. Number of hulls in a third of a trimaran
      50. Does mother have a higher degree?