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Find The Missing Link #12 Crossword Puzzle

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I'll give you three words that have a word in common that goes after them. Can you guess the missing word? Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Harder



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      1. School-, Black-, Hand-
      4. Low-, Hinter-, Ice-
      6. Horse-, Livery-, Farm-, (pl)
      8. Polka-, Black-, Small-, (pl)
      9. Falling-, Movie-, Bright-
      10. Private-, Pink-, London-
      12. Wild-, Pink-, Porky-
      13. Pine-, Raw-, Brazil-
      15. Almighty-, Sun-, Greek-
      18. Cold-, Flat-, Sore-
      20. Pig-, Don't-, Horse-
      21. Table-, Race-, Marathon-, (pl)
      22. First-, Tax-, Heart-
      23. Generation-, Stop-, Age-, (pl)


      1. Rock-, Elastic-, Waist-, (pl)
      2. Football-, Body-, Turbo-, (pl)
      3. Church-, Westminster-, Monk's -
      4. White-, Veneal-, Telling-, (pl)
      5. Back-, Double-, Wooden-, (pl)
      6. Duct-, Bottle-, Pipe-,
      7. Marble-, Naked-, Holy-, (pl)
      10. Scrambled-, Fish-, Rotten-
      11. Dead-, The-, Times-
      14. Best-, First-, Sale-
      16. Car-, One-, First-
      17. Movie-, Japanese-, Teen-, (pl)
      19. Inner-, Tire-, Fallopian-
      20. Green-, Tree-, Bull-