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Find The Missing Link #13 Crossword Puzzle

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I'll give you three words that have a word in common that precedes them. Can you guess the missing word? Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. -Beard, -Boy, -Beauty
      4. -Age, -Axe-, -Cold
      7. -Out, -Healthy, -Up
      8. -Off, -Back, Square
      10. -Off, -Out, -Yes
      12. -Tire, -Room, -Coat
      14. -Spa, -Soak, -Lever
      15. -Bodied, -Seaman, -Teacher
      16. -Crossing, -Horse, -Side
      17. -Powder, -Circus, -Infestation
      19. -Pie, -Emblem, -Soup
      21. -Council, -Purse (UK), -Seal (UK)
      24. -Not, -Too, -Off
      26. -Set, -Load, -Color
      28. -Down, -Up, -Still
      29. -Question, -Horse, -Card
      30. -Horizon, -Venue, -Time


      1. -Stop, -Driver, -Pass
      2. -Supplies, -Deco, -Director
      3. -Off, -Out, -Time
      4. -Fry, -Crazy, -Up
      5. -Outright, -Brand, -Up
      6. -Up, -Game, -Plate
      9. -Ideal, -Trip, -Mania
      11. -Tanker, -Bottle, -Strike
      12. -Work, -Hinge, -Down
      13. -Bird, -Christian, -Warning
      18. -County (Mexico), -Salonga, -Grass
      20. -Cup, -Costume, -Like
      22. -Taker, -Factor, -Capital (UK)
      23. -Down, -Yes, -No
      24. -Blanket, -Pack, -Nurse
      25. -Jump, -Suit, -Mask
      26. -Liner, -Off, -Piece
      27. -Chance, -Year, -Cat