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An Everyday Cryptic but tough as ... Crossword Puzzle

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... old 'big to be without energy mixed footwear'. A standard cryptic I hope will challenge. Then again - you may fly through it. Warning, contains some common foreign words in clues/answers.
Author: casey317 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Piles ruined extragavant speech
      4. Pique upset fit out
      8. Trade Mark around around as sail support
      9. For example Gilbert/Sullivan become farm animals
      10. Praise without soft music to lift
      11. Italian for love loses sweetheart then reversed a tomato
      13. Tore apart a way to learn by
      16. Hit back a golf score
      18. Steam cooked pals
      19. Her Majesty behind behind later
      20. Initially Australian Capital Territory is part of many plays
      21. Plane crash in mountainous country...
      23. ...where thick cloud hides principle
      25. Foal's mother insane?
      26. Seven lost Sunday, get revenge...
      27. ...wreck reef, cost nothing


      2. Nil pain amended musical quietly
      3. 'More!' ex trader reveals
      5. Queen loses north, gains right. Strange
      6. Gold bar got in swap
      7. French and Dutch yes. Create spiritual board
      11. Early Italian church finds love
      12. French word a backward ginger cat
      14. Sounds like overtime around you not in
      15. Clear a cheap trap, but no clap trap, gives you otalgia
      16. Tropical trees blown around produce a sacred song
      17. Trade swap scored
      22. Greek letter with energy creates pastry...
      24. ...where we lost that girl