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J D Robb 'In Death' Crossword Puzzle

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Clues on the 'In Death' books by J D Robb - characters, places and terms used in the novels. Some fillers.
Author: Jennifer5 - Diff: Harder



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      1. Electronics Detection Division (EDD) Captain (surname)
      6. Mathematical constant
      9. 'In Death' machine for preparing food and drink
      10. At all times
      11. Negative response
      12. Service in charge of directing aircraft (init)
      14. EDD Detective Ian ______
      15. In typography, half an em
      16. ______ Trueheart
      17. Killer whale
      18. Consumptive disease, in short
      20. Internet slang, first person to make a post (abbr)
      21. Long speech or piece of writing, possibly tedious
      22. Win at auction against a rival
      23. Unit of length, 36 inches
      25. From Matthew to Revelation, initially
      27. Wilson Buckley's nickname
      29. Postal correspondence
      33. Chief Medical Examiner Morris's girlfriend, murder victim (first name)
      35. Nadine ______, Channel 75 news reporter
      37. Before, poetically
      38. Dr Louise ______
      40. 'To______, or not to ______'
      41. Eve's husband
      43. Heraldic tincture of gold
      45. Bar in the Roarke Palace Hotel where Charles and Louise had their first date
      46. Popular glide-cart snacks in the 'In Death' world (3,4)


      1. Mavis's maiden name
      2. Name J D Robb is widely known by and under which she wrote her first books
      3. Ident artist Detective (surname)
      4. Branch of science dealing with the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist
      5. Recording devices used by Eve and her team
      6. Eve's partner, Delia ______
      7. Condition or supposition
      8. Mavis's husband (first name)
      11. Birmingham's Exhibition Centre (abbr)
      13. Fast-running antelope from Africa
      19. Apart from, other than
      24. Nimble, quick in mind or body
      26. Giraffid mammal native to Africa
      28. Dangers, risks
      29. Novel dealing with a puzzling crime
      30. Pacino or Jolson
      31. First name of Chief Medical Examiner Morris
      32. Currency of many European countries
      34. Eve's biological mother ('New York to Dallas')
      35. Crime scene in 'Missing in Death'
      36. Small river passing through Birmingham, England
      38. Eve stands for the ______
      39. Methods habitually used by criminals (abbr)
      42. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Cher ______
      44. US city, setting of the 'In Death' series (abbr)