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Coming Across Animals

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You'll find quite a lot of animals in this crossword - in both the across and the down clues!
Author: Fifiona81 - Diff: Harder



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      1. Female big cat
      5. Madagascan carnivores that look like cats
      8. Be ill
      10. Country that is home to the ___ imperial pigeon
      11. Cows, sheep and pigs could be described as this
      12. Popular food fish with Atlantic and Pacific varieties
      13. Large flightless birds of South America
      15. Dish in which you might cultivate bacteria
      16. Zodiac sign associated with the ram
      18. A black guillemot
      20. Alternative name for the large flying fox of SE Asia
      21. Species of penguin
      22. Mysterious inhabitant of a Scottish loch
      25. City in Belarus that is almost its capital?
      28. Stripy mammal related to the giraffe
      30. Magpies are said to do this to shiny objects
      32. Genus that includes the fringe-toed lizard
      33. Feathered area of a bird's skin
      34. Greek goddess or a cat from 'Cats'
      36. Main character of 'The Matrix' film series
      37. Technical name for a speech delay
      38. Llama-like animal


      1. A young hare
      2. Snow leopard
      3. Former genus of venomous snakes
      4. Crockery item from which you might feed a cat?
      5. Develop flight feathers
      6. A trap or tricky situation (3-2)
      7. A large bird around your neck?
      9. Sound made by a cat
      14. Very small but social creature
      16. Fabulist who wrote 'The Wolf and the Lamb'
      17. Lizard of the Scincidae family
      19. Indonesian duck (5,4)
      21. Collections, categories or sets
      23. Something you might tell a dog to do
      24. Snake-like fish
      26. Tropical lizard found in the Americas
      27. Medieval term for a shark, or slang for an old sailor (3,3)
      29. Perfect place
      30. Hero of 'The Lion King'
      31. Additional
      35. Young friend of Winnie-the-Pooh